Orca Wardrobe Malfunction

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Orca wardrobe malfunction was witnessed today as were saw more than we expected from a young male Orca known as BB who was socialising with the girls. Another cracker of a day escorted us out to the sighting grounds as we arrived with not a bird in sight but blows just ahead of us, a perfect start to the morning! Pod members of Alki and Hermes gathered together for a big morning of social interactions as we were welcomed to join the fun. It was set to be a very memorable day for our Pod Members onboard as the calves beelined us and came in for big morning greetings. Circling around the bow and investigating each of our hulls the little ones were now set for wrestle time as they began to chase after each other. The mothers watched on from afar as they took the opportunity to relax for a couple of hours while they let the youngsters socialise and mingle together. The social interactions we see are so important for the growth and development of these calves along with building lifelong friendships with their Orca neighbours.

A young Orca known as BB was showing off and wrestling with the girls when suddenly a flash of pink appeared. A rather embarrassing orca wardrobe malfunction took place as the privates of BB were on full display for all to see, oh dear! It was fantastic to confirm that BB is most definitely a young male Orca and also explained his behaviour around the females. Craig was able to document on the GoPro the interaction between BB and Maddison as he attempted to mate with her, mimicking the behaviour he has observed with his older brothers and following natural urges. The youngsters are of course not at sexual maturity just yet but it is during these social interactions behaviours will be practiced in play situations assisting the youngsters in their development. Plenty of blushing and giggles onboard as we asked BB politely to behave himself as he continued to show off and follow after Maddison. It was also a symphony of whistles, clicks and raspberry exhalations as the very vocal calves could be heard communicating at the surface and towards the GoPro.

To hear their little voices is extremely moving and brings their already big personalities to life even more as we can hear the excitement and joy amongst their conversations. During these interactions it feels that the Orca are trying to communicate with us as they look intensely through the camera and sit with us stationary and vocalising. A great privilege to be welcomed into the world of the Orca in this way and build a trust with these individuals from a very young age and see them develop into our oceans apex predators. Just after lunch it was time for the families to seperate and we travelled with Hermes and her family as calves Warnie and Willow were just like two peas in a pod and are becoming more and more attached to each other by the day. The family was relaxed, social and enjoying their afternoon as they settled in for their evening ahead and we wished them well. Porpoising Common Dolphins greeted us on our return to Bremer Bay which completed a very special day with the Bremer Bay Orca.
Рекомендации по теме

Truly the most fascinating animal on the planet.


The ones at 1:43 & 3:18 were smiling for the camera! 😂 Beautiful video of one of my favorite species! 😍 The water is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for posting!🤗


That thumbnail is to die for.😭You guys are so funny. Malfunctions aside the footage was incredible! They were having a blast, yea?


What a gorgeous animal their color schemes are perfect❤


The one Orca looked like it was smiling. 😄


This is why I don't leave auto play on 💀💀💀


Nice Orcas Whale's 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈 have fun day for you guys 👏


Im always expecting them to tip the boat looking for a little snack.


i guess that I'm the only one who was worried about them flipping over the boat. 🤐🤐


These whales are so peaceful toward us, just don’t threaten them or hurt a family member ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


John Holmes of the deep blue 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Una preciosidad de la naturaleza salvaje ❤


Пока смотрела, подумала: Вот бы прыгнуть в воду и поплавать с этими прекрасными существами! Но ведь они могут и порвать...🤷‍♀️


Спасибо, довольно полезные наблюдения. Я так понимаю, съёмки велись с подводного беспилотника?




Какая красота природы!!! 🙏☀️🍀💦🌈! Касатки завораживают меня больше, чем акулы и дельфины... Знаю ... Хищники, но такая милота... 😘😘😘🥰🪄✨


Nah they're not interested in the humans, just the boats. For some reasons Orcas jut love little boats their size and will often try and play with them.


😮🤦🏽‍♀️I did not the malfunction like 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hello, I was wondering, if I can share with you the most important thing ever before in your life. God the Father sent His holy Son Jesus to earth, to be born of a virgin. He grew up and died on the cross for our sins. Then He was put into a tomb for 3 days, after that Abba Father raised Jesus to life.He appeared to people, and went back to heaven. We all must sincerely receive Jesus into our life to be God's child. Jesus said in Mark 1:15
"And saying*, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel." John 1:12. says: "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."
Will you today genuinely-- by faith receive Jesus into your life for salvation?
