Wake Up! (spoken word poetry) | Jesse Oliver | TEDxPerth

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Jesse is a spoken word artist and proof of the power of poetry for positive change.

Jesse found that poetry opened discussions about his experiences of homelessness, gender transition and mental illness. Overcoming a personal struggle with social anxiety, Jesse moved from stuttering and shaking his way through his first performances to establishing himself on the national stage. In the poetry community Jesse encountered many marginalised voices. Inspired by these voices and compelled by the uncertainty and fear of the times, Jesse turned his attention outward with a new poetic message and called for a revolution of love.

Jesse has featured on platforms such as the National Young Writers’ Festival, the Emerging Writers’ Festival, and the Digital Writers’ Festival. In 2017 won the Australian National Poetry Slam Championships. Jesse is a spoken word artist and proof of the power of poetry for positive change.

Jesse found that poetry opened discussions about his experiences of homelessness, gender transition and mental illness. Overcoming a personal struggle with social anxiety, Jesse moved from stuttering and shaking his way through his first performances to establishing himself on the national stage. In the poetry community Jesse encountered many marginalised voices. Inspired by these voices and compelled by the uncertainty and fear of the times, Jesse turned his attention outward with a new poetic message and called for a revolution of love.

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The biblical cadence and force of his words seizes you by the year.
What a performance!
Hats off!


Chill bumps on my skin
Ending this video with a grin
We are not created in original sin
But love
Sing with the light from above
Raise your vibration
Let it spread through the nations
Lead with love and patience


That was by far one of the greatest spoken word performances I've heard. I really hope/pray that the world can hear this and know the truth of his words. Keep up the great work 🙏🍀


spoken poetry as such is so important for the internet and us, thank you TEDx Talks


This is the true expression of poetry…. I tried to copy it for my contest in school and got first position with standing ovation from all the judges….thank you so much for such a great representation of poetry…❤❤


This is... I dont even know how to say this. It's done beautiful! The expressions the emotions the rhymes. It's perfect.
Jesse, has done alot of effort.
Wake up!


Well done! He is right and that was very well composed.

he is shining as the sun we are for all not one, wake up
our battle has begun, do not walk, run. Wake up!
for yes, we are the same, in this here precious game
stop chasing fame, assigning blame, recall the reasons we all came Wake up!
for if the humans are the breathe, only together can we achieve, put down the weapons, stop the greed, it is to all of you I plead Wake up!
As night turns into day and day begins to wane, we all feel the pain from corporate greed and gain, we must make them all refrain. Wake up!
Insanity relieves the momentary reprieve we're like slowly falling leaves with nothing to achieve if we all believe in the differences conceived Wake up!


Thank you so much "TEDx Talks" this spoken word really inspired me and the world needs to hear this Because its all true and again thank you so so much and keep inspiring please


Wow! This made me tear up. Thank you for creating something so beautiful.


You are being such an ispo for my spoken word speech thank you! ☺️


Fire!!!!🔥 Fire!!! 🔥 Bluh Bluh Bluh!! 🔥


Stunning poem and powerful performance.


Wow I'm so inspired I'm a huge fan of poetry


This man went crazy
it's amazing
how hazy
the first thoughts were and how it bloomed like a daisy
YES! Too often we're lazy
he made this look easy
the bar was set and slain
it left a blood stain
my man's brain
It's simply a maze to me


whats the topic of this (for an english assingment)


Wow.. I.. I never thought of that before


Have you ever seen someone eat fish and chips


yes alot of us have WOKEN UP since this parody . But what exactly is he pushing here though "between the lines"
