How hackers and governments can hack your smartphone camera

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Most people know that computers can have malware, but did you know your cell phone is also vulnerable? Kevin Mitnick, notorious hacker and author of the book "The Art of Invisibility," explains two easy ways that someone might hack into your phone. Whether it's a jealous spouse, the CIA, or a nation state, here's how they might do it and how you can protect yourself.

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I have very serious doubts about the first time I hired *brian hacks online* to help get electronic evidence. I am experienced in law enforcement, my family is a law enforcement family, and I have access to the Internet just like anybody else does. Conspiracy to cheat is a very serious deal beaker, and there's no way I could see any attorney that actually claims to be on your side saying it's inadmissible, or this is not something actionable.


I wish there was more people like you to stop all these cheaters, they need serious jail time for that, especially when they take money from you in the relationship, keep doing what your doing *Johnsonspy* on the internet put the wind up these low life oxygen thieves. Love what you guys do keep up the Great work mate well done respect....


Even for the recognition brian hacks online gets, his skills is so underrated at least by most tech fans in general. I mean I get that there is stamina and all that involved in things like he does but being able to stand so far away and have the ability get the information needed with high speed as expected to hit it perfectly with a paddle just over the net is extremely impressive.


Your out-of-the-box thinking and unique perspective turned an otherwise mediocre presentation into a fantastic one *johnsonspy* . You did a good job of catching the mistakes and keeping us from wasting time and by taking the wrong path. Your attention to detail really sets you apart from the crowd. Great work! Jack, Your great work has resulted in tangible, beneficial results to me. You’re a force to be reckoned


I wonder how to know if your camera phone is hacked or not hacked? I read somewhere that anti-virus apps dont check for all malware. And there are certain signals that make a virus on your phone unlikely (like not experiencing weird things on ur phone, new videos you didn t take). But how can we know for certain that we dont currently have malware on our phone?


Just today while I am texting or chatting on messenger I heard a noise on my phone like a camera taking pictures for 3 times, how is that, am I being tracked? Or is somebody taking pictures of me? I'm using a not so latest Android Oppo phone. I'm a bit scared with the sound I heard from my phone. Thanks for your response...


Welp. Time to throw away my phone and start using the good old pen and letter.




My sister her phone has been stolen, is there any way to get access to mobile camera by using phone Mac address
" I hope if there any way to photo the thief or the one who using the phone by access to phone camera "


It says right on there website "iPhone requires Jailbreak
Android may require rooting." When you talk about iPhone having malware your're really talking about a jailbroken iPhone and most people would update there iPhone on the latest update witch is iOS 10.3.2 the only latest jailbreak for iOS is 10.2 bascially i'm saying that there is very low chance of your iPhone getting "malware" aka jailbroken and without the owner of the phone realizing that there phone is jailbroken.


Reload the firmware???
I have android and I've gone thru countless hrs of learning how to secure my phone in settings and google. I'm even a developer now lol My phone was vulnerable for a few days before I installed lookout security.
I see an app that can only be disabled, named "unlock". I did disable it and erased all data and the app has no permissions, so forth and so on. It's basically shut down but I want it gone.
I guess I'm trying to figure a way to delete the spyware/malware installed without factory resetting the phone and going thru countless hrs to make my phone untrackable again😞😪
I noticed you said reloading the firmware??? will remove all viruses but Idk what that means or how to do it? Thanks!!!


How do we check if someone can see me trough my camera


Maybe It can help me FIND MY STOLEN PHONE!!


1:38 I thought he was gonna say nord VPN


You know. I have a question. What if I have a phone that never plug into internet connection? That phone is for me to take photos, videos, and working on my stuffs like writing or designing or something that I don't want people to know about. Then when I need to send anything on that phone to someone or somewhere on internet. I will transfer that data to my secondary phone which have all the apps and stuffs to use on internet. Then the only thing that you could hack it's my accounts for whatever I have on the phone with internet. But you can never really see what I have in my other phone?

Then what if you put that 2 phone together into 1 phone?

Like a phone with 2 separate PC? Pc1 for my data. And pc2 for my internet use. And whatever I download on internet will be transfer from pc2 to my pc1 by my physical permission only by pressing a button to turn the connection on/off. And the data that going to be transfer from pc1 to pc2 also only can be transfer out by my permission? You can't really hack my PC1 if I have a phone like that?

I'm not gonna talk about passwords and this and that on the PC2. It's everyone responsible to keep their things safely.


i need help. i am being stalked on my phone. i tried everything and it is creeping me out.


Srsly?! Another apple advertisement?! Common...


Want to Catch a Cheater? If you’re feeling your partner might be cheating on you, but there’s

no definite evidence. You’re faced with two alternatives: seek out the facts,

or to turn a blind eye. Selecting the first choice, although often suitable in

the short term, is incredibly damaging for you personally, but for your

children and family, not only in the long run too. Seeking the truth out isn’t

simple either – as we mentioned before, technology has made infidelity much

easier to conceal than in the past, however it also provides opportunities for

revealing getting the evidence needed to establish the truth CYBERFINGERSHACKS🪐NET


No body does it better minslegend, you guys are the best Everywhere..


Someone claims they’ve been watching me through my iPhone Camera. Is it literally possible without someone physically touching my device? In 2022.
