Fnf Soft Mod V2 - Does It Still Suck?

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After 2 years I return to review the infamously hated soft mod to see if it's had a glow up
Soft Mod V2:
Second channel:
Wii Party - Main Menu
Skull Girls - Pick Of The Litter
Fnf Soft Mod - No CigarsV2 (Instrumental)
Deltarune - Scarlet Forest
Soft Mod - Goku
Undertale - Another Medium

#fridaynightfunkin #fnfmod #fnfsoftmod
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I know i've very late to the subject BUT I still had alot of things to say! Congrats to the soft mod team for finally being able to get out this huge project and I can honestly say I enjoyed it! Also I have plans to keep this type of content up more but obviously with a bit more humor and bit more popular topics and games that way more people would be intrested in what im covering! If you enjoyed this video at all please like and stuff and leave your suggestions or criticism in the comments or in my discord! I'm currently going 90mph on the freeway wish me luck


I do enjoy this mod and agrees with all the points made. Although I found boyfriend’s VA’s voice direction to be kind of shit, especially in those emotional moments. Shini mentioned that the dialogue of Ben liberating himself from the parents was all they wanted to say to their abusive parents. It should be a big moment, so having ChaosBeGone’s voiced direction be so monotone doesn’t fit the vibe.

And with the pacing, because they need to fit a whole story so that it’s a parallel to the 7 week style of the original FNF(having this be an alternate universe) there isn’t time to flesh out much of the characters.
Grace’s treatment of being overly obsessive has been toned down with the dialogue changes and new weeks added. There’s a lot of good ideas, but they’re poorly executed, but with the limits they have it’s not entirely their fault.
I give this mod a 9/10. It’s much better than the original by so much. ❤


The mod may not suck but bf probably does (Iykyk)


i'm convinced Benjamin's parents are in jail after chapter 5


I'm happy I could get your attention to return. I will say some of the mods are just coming out now, such as Flavor Rave V2 and Step Right Up: Adventure Isle is definitely worth a look. Sorry I didn't have time to watch the video hour 1, tho.


The mod has improved a lot and everything but DEAR LORD what were they thinking with Pico's haircut? If I was Pico, I'd tape the hoodie to my forehead just to hide how bad that hairdo is.


The only 2 things I actually had a problem with in the mod was Ben’s very monotone voice, and the art inconsistency in almost every week


4:10 BF = Benjamin Fairest
You can still call him BF


Soft mod is just "Aww look at the cute boys look look"


They got rid of muscle man and Barack Obama:(


surprised you didn't mention how attrocious week 6 was. bf and pico decided to completely ignore how senpai seems to literally be mentally ill (way too aggressive) and generally gives off massive "deadbeat and wife abuser" vibes, just because he "has a soft side" and "was probably just trying to get a revenge".
...or the fact that bf and pico are still just casually headbobbing when gf has a mental breakdown at the end of week 4 ._.


I think the problem I have with the art isn't that it's bad, but rather there is a bit too much style clash. BF and Pico aren't updated in art style at all, Father Fairest, Mother Mairest, AND Grace all have different art styles from each other and it is pretty noticeable


are you ever going to review Mario's Madness V2?

It's a top-tier mod i recommend checking out


There isn't much that changed about the story but the songs my god i loved them. They really spent time on it.


I personally liked V2. Soft has always been one of my favourite mods. I don't really understand why people dislike the mod. I kinda liked the vastly different art styles, cause to me, it shows the unique ways the artists portray the characters.


Glad you liked it more. I don’t know whether v1 or v2 is better. On one hand, nostalgia is a hard thing to beat but on the other hand v2 improves nearly everything so I really don’t know. And besides I have my problems with both versions. I hate skid and pump’s design in both, grace’s design in v1 ain’t the best. Most of the soundtrack in v1 is mediocre and just the original fnf songs and I don’t know how to feel about v2’s soundtrack but I’m happy they did original songs now though I have listened to a few mainly my favorite songs from v1, it’s complicated, hope and genesis, to put it simply, I prefer v2 it’s complicated but I prefer v1 hope and genesis. So overall happy you came around because this mod is way too overhated and to the people calling this mod a “bf x pico wattpad 18+ fanfiction” mod and is serious about it. Stop talking this nonsense and watch the actual mod. I’ll respect your opinion but seriously that needs to stop because that is just factually incorrect. It has bf x pico but it’s not the focus. The focus is abuse and trauma so please shut up and watch the actual mod. Anyway sorry for this long tangent, I’m just a massive fan of this mod and glad you really liked it.


one of the reasons i love soft v2 is that it does not have any fucking lyrics


while the music is an improvement (and the art is better but still inconsistent), the real issue with this mod comes down to the story. they had 2, nearly 3 years to improve the writing and they didnt. its still forced, contrived, cliched, ugh its got it all


I think you should check Mario's Madness too, i think its worth to try. (maybe you played it idk)


had to do a double take when i saw the title
