Chapter 5 Integumentary System

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I love how you’re constantly reminding us of what each thing does and not just saying the name. I needed something I can listen to while I’m at work and this definitely is going to help me learn! Thank you


As was previously stated- YOU SAVED ME FROM FAILING my online class where my professor does not post lecture.
I can see how much though and effort you put into these…. They really are the most comprehensive videos I’ve found.
This lady really has a gift for making these topics understandable! Thank you


Thank you so much for these video lectures! I am taking an online class and my professor does not give lectures. Trying to survive this class with just the textbook was excruciating by the second chapter. I’m so glad I found your channel!! I listen to your lectures over and over because repetition helps the info sink in. I especially love your extra illustrations (such as vesicles transport and DNA transcription). Thank you again for making these videos available!!


You just helped me secure an A on my first A&P test of the semester. My teacher is great, but she speaks too quickly in lecture; I love that you speak slowly and with purpose, your explanations help me simplify everything and convert it to useful knowledge. You do an amazing service by posting these videos for current students!


Thank you for these!!!! I am taking a summer course on-line - so the information we have to absorb over a short period before a test .... is HUGE!
I also work full time and listen to your lectures during my 30 min drive to work. It helps to make the information i read in the chapters stick, because I’ve heard it before! The when the test comes- I recall some of your memory tricks ( the plump “O” in the middle of hypotonic, looks like a swollen cell) and I can answer correctly and quickly!! Thank you!!! I don’t get lectures having an online class- so you’re a life saver!!! I’ve told my professor about your channel. Maybe she’ll suggest it as part of her future classes :)


I bulk studied until 0130 this morning for an exam today... all from the book. Honestly this video helped me quick study better than everything I did last night. Exam in 20 minutes! Wish me luck! And thank you so much for this!!! Definitely better than our professors quick video of her just talking lol. Thanks lady! I appreciate you! So will my other classmates that I sent this to!


Hi Professor. I have to tell you this. I retired a few years ago and decided to look into getting my nursing degree. Before I spend the money on any courses I decided to study anatomy on my own. It’s been a real struggle. I found a few content providers that helped make sense of the materials. But a few weeks ago your videos popped up. You make everything so clear. Before you I was averaging one chapter per month (it’s been 50 years since I took a science class). Now with your videos I’m averaging about 5 days per chapter and retaining much more.

That being said, I do have an issue in this chapter. You mention calcitriol but pronounce it differently. I learned it as cow-sit-tree-all. I reviewed a few other videos any there are other educators that pronounce it that way too. It’s easier for me to picture a cow sitting under a tree with all the other cows. Cow-sit-tree-all.

Anyway, thank you very much. You are helping to change my life.


WOW. its been 2 years since I took anatomy and cant believe how much I've forgotten. Start my BSN program in 2 weeks and trying to brush up on my rusty skills. Thanks!


Your pacing is excellent. Thank you for taking the time to upload this.


I really appreciate the pace you are speaking at. My professor talks very fast and powers through the slides, very hard to retain the information from her. This is perfect, Thank you!


I study Anatomy with your wonderful lecturer! Thank you very much!🌸


Thank you so much! I watched your videos to prepare for exam 1 and got an A!!! ❤

Just bought your book too. You make it seem so easy and fun :)


Thank you so much for making these videos. I do not think I could get through my class without your help. Thank you and I hope you keep doing these videos.


I thought i was doomed for my online course until i found your videos! You have helped me so much! Thank you so much


I just ordered your book! I listen to your YouTube videos everyday on the bus to work they are so helpful thank you ☺️💓


hello, I am struggling in anatomy physiology 1 and need a B to pass its an accelerated course so 4 wks. I got a 54 on my first exam :( and 74 on my first quiz. I started listening to your lecture and understanding it better however still overwhelmed and praying this all gets through me. Can you please send me or email me the link to where to buy your book and any helpful aid that can help me pass. God Bless you for the effort you put in to make it easier for students like me to understand:)


Finally found a video with details and the way of presentation is perfect for me


This made the chapter so interesting, I love it


Awesome illustrations and teaching!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! God bless youUUU!!!!


I actully learn better watching your lectures...our professsor doesn't teach us nothing just hands us power points and tells us to read the chapters and go on youtube. Your lectures are great!
