Transparency in the Trenches - Scrum Pulse Webcast #2

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Dan Sloan introduces the pillar of transparency in Scrum and navigates you through a journey of successes and challenges he’s encountered through his years of coaching and training Scrum teams around the globe – all of which hinged around this important principle of agility. Specific artifacts and behaviors from actual Scrum projects will surprise and inspire you, and offer ideas to realize the benefits of transparency in your own organization.
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Very interesting webcast. Thank you, Dan!
Some notes I did:

1. Questions in the spirit of transparency:
"What are we looking at?"
"What is going on?"
"What is really happening?"

2. Transparency is operating in a way that everyone knows what others are doing.

3. Four levels of transparency are:
- Leadership trusting the teams
- Teams trusting leadership
- Team members trusting each other
- Trust yourself

4. Recommended reading
- Our iceberg is melting
- Agile Retrospectives
- Management 3.0

5. The key agreement is safety culture, where people feel safe and open.

6. One of the good working agreement could be a point that "I don't have to have last word in". While brainstorming, it would be better to say: "To add to Johny's idea...".

7. Don't use exercises to build trust. Practice it every day.


I really liked the sharing of the case study, for me it s the best example to understand the theoretical part. And I found valuable all the information that you have shared, thank you very much!


This webinar was great!
It's incredibly how current this topic is today as it was when I watched it in 2015.


Very interesting case. Learned a lot from it.
Although i believe that Trust before Transparency is more like chicken and egg scenario. I'm currently reflecting on how to create more trust and the answer that often comes to mind is increasing transparency from all sides to allow for truthful feedback and accountability. However an environment like that already requires trust.
In the end every organization will have it's own deck of cultures. And we will have to analyse the system and probe it. Managing the system not the people.


They feared getting backlash from management if they spoke up. The didn’t want to blame colleagues. They organized themselves on their own. The didnt want to look lazy or unmotivated


For the mentioned `Trust` in video, If anyone researches on Psychology domain, Try the word `Psychology Safety` instead.

For the mentioned `Face to face`, If anyone want to deep drive, Try the word `Empathy`. This has been utilized in movie and novel for a very longtime without clear instruction. So, you will need to piece it together yourself to apply on management.
