Introduction to conformal field theory, Lecture 7

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In this seminar I will, over some 10 lectures, introduce the basics of conformal field theory. The emphasis will be on the physical content, however, there will be reference to mathematical formulations throughout.

The course is based on a mixture of Ginsparg's "Applied Conformal Field Theory", hep-th/9108028 and Schottenloher's "A mathematical introduction to conformal field theory".

Prerequisites for the course comprise: advanced QM, QFT, advanced QFT, and some familiarity with symplectic methods, which you can cover by watching my previous videos.

In the seventh lecture I continue the discussion of Ward identities and radial quantisation.
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8:45, 17:37, 30:10, 35:58, 43:20, 51:17, 1:01:00, 1:11:45, 1:20:51 oddly satisfying! Amazing lecture.


Thank you for such a great lecture! I am wondering why we don't derive the Ward identity for the special conformal transformation. Is there a reason for that or is it just unnecessary for the current purpose?
