I can’t unlearn what I know so I’m staying right here.

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I was 7-8. My mom still doesn't care and says it was nothing. Thank you for caring, thank you for being a good mother.


I was 8 years old when a 19 year old guy in the next apartment building asked me if I wanted to come to his apartment and cut his hair. THANK THE LORD my mom instilled in me to ask before I go somewhere she didn’t know. Told him I needed to ask my mom first… Found out as an adult my mom’s boyfriend and his brother and cousin jumped him because of that. Hope he learned his lesson.


Statistically children are more likely to be hurt by someone who they know than a stranger.. Teach kids the signs of danger not that only one type of person is dangerous..


My mom and aunt were abused by their father. They had no idea that anything was wrong until they were older. My mother always raised me with a paranoia of anyone touching me in any way. It still happened to me because I was a kid and he was an adult and I didn't know how to argue with everything that he said. Years later, I'm still scarred by both my mother's paranoia and by what he did to me. Please do be careful with your children but please don't trust a sense a paranoia.. give them more knowledge. My parents told me "it's never okay for anyone to touch you" but would take me to the doctor and tell me that it was okay for him to touch me. They would say no one can touch you unless you want them to but I always had to hug and kiss my weird creepy uncle, even though I didn't want to. Just be clear with your children on things.. anything that is unclear might confuse them and leave room for fear, doubt and real problems.


The 3 best ways to prevent this are: 1. Teach your child the real names of their body parts. 2. Teach your child that no one has the right to touch them without their permission. 3. Introduce your husband to everyone your child will be around. A physically and mentally present father scares predators away.


Reading these comments realising how lucky some of us are to never experience that trauma 😢
One is too many..and there are many of you ❤


When i was a little kid we were at the batting cages and the creepy old man manager told me he could french braid my hair if i came into his office, we went in and he closed the door. I shudder to think what would have happened if my nom hadnt BARGED into that office full force yelling about "wheres my kid". Good job mama


Yes! Always keep an eye on your children. My mother was extremely good at this and nobody was safe from suspicion including me. It was really hurtful when I was 13 and she freaked out when my 8 year old brother told her we “played doctor” while she was gone. All we did was wrap all my stuffed animals in gauze and performed “surgery” on some of his action figures. But my mom’s mind immediately went to a dark place, which considering what she’s been through, I understand now. At the time I was just horrified my mom thought I was capable of being that evil. But now that I’m an adult, I applaud my mom for realizing that even girls can be predators, because it seems like a lot of people refuse to acknowledge that terrible truth


i was an infant. i was 3. i was 7. i was 9. i was 11-15. thank you for this and fuck the ones who say you’re overprotective


I was 4 and it was my grandfather whenever my Nana took her afternoon nap. I made damn sure he NEVER had access to any of my children or my siblings children even though it meant finally breaking my silence. Trust no one!!!


My mother taught me the signs and while everyone else called her over protective but my sister and I were the only ones not at the sleep over that ruined so many girls lives, I’ll never forget that summer. She made sure to also teach us that “no matter what they say even if they threaten you or me(my mom) they will be the ones that get hurt in the end, you can and will always tell mama, I will always believe you” she always made herself our safe space where we were free and open to tell her anything.


My mother was abused and she ended up having 3 girls and 1 boy. She taught all of us the signs and she NEVER left us alone with anyone other than my grandparents on her side. We were NEVER aloud to spend the night at anyones house. My mom watched us like a hawk our entire lives. As a mother now, I plan to do the same. Only person I trust to my watch my kids, is my mom. My husband was abused too growing up and he completely understands to never leave our kids with family, not even for a second. Abuse happens by someone you know, and rarely by a stranger.


My daughters' pediatrician, "I'm her Dr. and you don't trust me?!"
No, I don't. A Children's Hospital Doctor was arrested YESTERDAY for child corn. No. I do not trust you.
Never left my children at a party, ever. Also would walk right out if they said anyone was being "weird" or making them feel uncomfortable. No questions asked. Anyone who came to our home that made my kids uncomfortable were immediately asked to leave, and as teens, they could call me anytime anywhere, and their father or I would go get them. If you keep the communication open and honest and protect your children, they will be open and trust you. My girls are in their 20's now, and I am sitting beside one of my daughter in the hospital as she is recovering from a surgical infection. My other daughter just left to head home.
Show up.


I was 5. Thank you for properly protecting your daughter. I wish I had had a mother like you. My entire life wouldn't have been ruined.


So many comments about abuse... What a world we live in. Sending love, light and healing to all of you ❤


It's so sad for me to read all these comments. I grew up in post communist Romania and back then it was normal for many kids to go to kindergarten / school alone, be left alone or with acquaintances/neighbours and freely roam around the gardens and the blocks. I roamed a lot when I was a kid and it was beautiful. I also had the feeling that the neighbours were watching out for us kids. I realize I was lucky that nothing bad happened, but I really would not want to miss out on that feeling of trust and freedom.


I was abused and my parents didn't believe me. Still don't to this day. I'm 31 with my own daughter that's 4. "Your brother's friend sleep walks, there's no way he could be in your room at night."

My bedroom was the first room at the top of the stairs in our house. Diagonally across the hall from my parents room. And my brother's room had moved 2 separate times and his friend somehow still would "sleepwalk" into my room at night. "Amazing" that he didn't fall down the stairs at any point in time...


As a 5 years old girl I was kissed with tongue from a teenage girl in front of our balcony on our playground where she was looking after me every now and then. This girl was polite and looked like an angel, everyone liked her.

Weirdos everywhere.


Literally how do CHILDREN appeal to anybody?? I can’t with people bro 😭


This made me cry. I was 3, 7, 10, and 12. My mom ignored it. When I would scream and panic around certain people. She became a part of the problem. Some parents know and don’t care. Thank you for being one of the few who does.
