Voice Coach Reacts | PIET ARION | S.O.S d'un terrien en détresse | FIRST LISTEN

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I'm Christi Bovee, a voice and heart coach with nearly three decades of experience in helping speakers, actors and singers "Find their voice and Make their sound." Using my proprietary method of Functional Voice Coaching ™ my clients overcome limiting beliefs and fear (often held for decades) and breakthrough to use their voices in freedom and power. The human voice thrives when the human heart feels safe, encouraged and loved. I come into my voice coaching with YOUR heart in mind, NOT my ego and reputation.

Each week I post new videos to help you uplevel your mindset and habits as a vocalist (including things around self-care, technique, training your brain as much or more than you train your voice, and MORE). I encourage you to step into your power, find YOUR voice and make YOUR sound in the world today. The world is waiting for you. Someone is literally praying for what YOU bring. To learn more, check out my links below or send me any questions you have. You are LOVED!

How I show up here for you: I am allowed to be BOTH a work in progress AND help others grow at the same time. I appear here imperfect but growing as a coach and a professional vocalist. I refuse to wait until I believe I'm perfect or someone else has deemed me worthy of impacting others. I know who I am and what I am called to do and who I am supposed to help. I am unapologetically accepting a life of massive growth and improvement, regardless of your opinion of me as a voice coach and a person. (or YouTuber, or video editor, or...etc.)It is a freeing way to live! I highly recommend you try this for yourself and see how life shifts for YOU.❣️




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Рекомендации по теме

Lol... I keep coming back to this. I believe this is probably the most beautiful rendition of a song that I have ever heard. A masterpiece. Thank you


Hello, everyone! I have been in a voice conference all day (online, of course) and did not have a chance to check on this video! I apologize! I have removed Dimash's name from the title. I copied it verbatim from Piet's original video. Using the original title is what I always do. I did not think a thing about it for this one. I did not mean any offense to Dimash fans or to Dimash himself. Peace and blessings.


I cannot listen to Piet singing this without experiencing near emotional breakdown. I’ve listened more times than I can count but my reaction is the same every time - tears, tears and more tears. For me, perfectly executed and with such colour and emotion. It feels like someone is ripping out my heart. I can’t possibly get my head around how he manages to do this! 😭


Piet Arion sounds amazing. The comments that compare Piet and Dimash directly are irrational, mean spirited and cultish, this coming from both extremes on either side. Not all types of voices sound the best in big open areas, not all singers fluent in the language the sing in. This version was engineered to be delicate and nuanced close to the mic to showcase Piet's strengths. Same for Dimash's version which was made to be heard from a mile away.


Piet is absolutely astounding, he doesn’t need his voice doctored none what so ever. He is a super star as far as m concerned. He does have that whistle tone a G7 I think. He’s also looking for someone who can help him further his career. ❤️❤️❤️


The execution of his voice from D7 to B7 is extremely perfect if not excellent.


This Man’s voice is amazing and he sings this with gentle beauty that is incomparable. I also listen to Dimash whom I love, however I believe this is a better version.


....and the doubters think Piet Arion is a fraud! What a great insult to the young man's talent, a very special gift. Vitas and Dimash version is harder, not softly appealing but this kid just grabbed you with that voice! More power to him!


Piet is more closed to the french original, but he save his personality. I like his version.


Respect this person because he is so blowing away...he is amazing ...


Hi dear!--I love your comments about this ammmmaaziing PIET ARION!!!


I love this rendition… Incredible… 👏🏻👏🏻


He learned this song in French explicitly for this song. Piet is a shy person he is some what deserved. But music brings his emotions to life through his music. 🌹🌹


Some of you so-called Dimash” “Dears” are such hateful fanatics that Dimash Himself would be very very displeased with you if he met you and he would tell you to stop the criticism. Piet loves Dimash and also loves Morissette, Mariah Carey, and Billie Eilish and does tribute songs. to these artists that he admires. The hate spewed by your reactions are shameful. There’s this one Italian fanatic who when I responded to a Dimash song with “ Dimash is the best male pop-op vocalist in the world.” but also mentioned another vocalist who I considered as good in love/love ballads only ripped me for daring to even mention another artist. “ I only listen to Dimash and no one else!!” I understand his love but when he started to call me a fake “ Dear” and used expletives, His hate would really have made Dimash very ashamed at this fanatic. When Piet performed Morissette “Akin Ka Na Lang” he mentioned at the outset he loves her technique. His rendition garnered over 22, 000 Likes and over 4000 positive comments 99% were “ Wow! Amazing! Speechless”
Very few dislikes and no hateful comments.
You who call yourself “ Dears” be respectful and humble—like Dimash and like Piet.
All love in isolation,


Cristinafrom romania is writingplease do not be cruel withthis sensible and so complex genuine beautiiful wonder child piet aŕion!do you want to çhange this angel into a demon?he is my treasure!


this is the best and most complete reaction you can hear from Piet Arion. Thanks!!


Thx much about Piet react's !!!!
Friendly kisses from France my Dear...


Piet Arions version gives me more chills than Dimash. Dimash is good. He sounds more like an opera singer, but this guy's interpretation gives me chills because of the way he effortlessly moves from high to low to mid range like a feather lifting up on air. His soft inflection exudes emotion and the angst of emotional urgency portrayed by this song. Without knowing the words it still drove me to emotion to understand this was "SOS d'un Terrien en de'tresse (Sos of an earthling in distress). Note that the translation is off in the first phrase of this song. It should read: (French Lyrics: Poquoi je Vie porquoi je Meur. Porquoi je reir porquoi je pleur) means Why do I live why do I die? Why do I laugh/smile why to I cry. It is the song of someone dying and not feeling comfortable in his own skin while he is here on earth. Stating that life is more beautiful while looking from above and if he could reverse the heaven and earth or juxtapose the two how beautiful it would be.




Dragă doamnă profesoară!Cristina Neagu din România vă scrie: Ce contează ce face Piet în studio din punct de vedere electronic, dacă rezultatul este așa de interesant și emoționant! Problema dureroasă este că acum el nu mai este ce a fost, de când cântă rock pe scenă, i s-a schimbat vocea din angelică în dură, aspră și figura lui dulce, delicată , chiar frumoasă e de nerecunoscut , s-a schimonosit, nu-l suport nici să-l văd, nici să-l aud și socot că s-a nenorocit din toate punctele de vedere! Era unicat că solist, dar a devenit un rocker banal, chiar jalnic și asta mă doare nespus! Ce se poate face pentru el? Eu i-am scris mult, am făcut tot ce-am putut, dar el trebuie să se vadă așa cum îl vede Dumnezeu și nu cum îl lingușesc puținii fani fără minte!ACUM e mare, nu mai e adolescent, are o foarte mare responsabilitate, fiind așa de talentat! Vă rog mult , ocupați-Vă de drama acestui fost artist autentic și atât de original!Vă mulțumesc din suflet, eu l-am iubit că o mamă creștină și l-am sfătuit căt am putut și plâng în inima mea pentru el!
