Defining a 'Hidden Gem' | GR Anime Discussion

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Before attempting to continue making videos on various shows I consider to be a "Hidden Gem" I thought it would make sense to first go over what I consider a Hidden Gem to be.

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Hidden gems are anime which are not that popular but is once you watch it you'll never forget it

And when you look back years after watching it you'll think, "what an incredible anime"


In a community with the memory of a goldfish, you're doing God's work arkada.


I love that you talk about shows outside the spotlight. There are other anime youtubers who I'll watch to see if anything promising is coming up on the radar, but I almost never go and watch those series because I don't watch that much TV anymore - I'll just have a laugh at the video and move on. Whereas your channel gives me a much better appreciation of which shows are too important to ignore and once or twice a year I'll come away from one of your videos, pick up a new series, and treasure it for years as one of the best of the best. Case in point Shin Sekai Yori, honorable mentions to A Place Further than the Universe and Scrapped Princess

P.S. Now that you've talked about what a hidden gem is, I'd love to hear your opinion on which shows qualify / which are your favorites!


I very much appreciate you talking about shows from all different periods of time. I'm making it my mission to get EVERYTHING off my To-Watch list this year, and a lot of what's been put on there over the years are shows I heard about from you. I love hopping back and forth, not only between different genres, but also different eras of anime. I went from The Promised Neverland to Princess Tutu to Interviews With Monster Girls and I'm just about to head into Made in Abyss. Anime is awesome. And there's way too much good to be found within this medium to just stick with the new, trendy stuff or to only watch the "classics". As you say, "Watch more anime." I certainly will and I'm certainly enjoying myself!


my hidden gem is Gosick, people rarely talks about that show.


As many have said, I really appreciate you taking the time and effort to make these videos. Soo many lost gems out there to find and enjoy. So many characters to meet, stories to follow and endings to be sad about. Thanks. I distinctly remember enjoying this video A LOT when you made it. Not to mention it was really useful for finding good shows. Most of your videos do that though.


I will always talk about Death Parade always. That anime changed my life perspective I'll be damned if I let it get erased over time.


My favourite Hidden Gem is Princess Tutu.


The Rose of Versailles is true hidden gem and will be worth talking about


Proud to see you standing up for the anime you love! The current stuff is good to cover, but it doesn't replace who you are as a fan deep down & the series you truly love.

This is how "multi generational" nerd culture nourishes itself: new ideas & old classics celebrated together


You have reviewed a lot of shows in the past that are hidden gems or close to e.g. mushishi, haibane renmei, shinsekai yori and I thank you for it. I look forward to your future videos on hidden gems and I hope it goes well.


Thank you soooo much for realising a new video. Really missed this, and it’s covering such an important topic.👌🏼


Oh God Erased and Death Parade are both phenomenal. It's so sad how nobody is talking about them


Man, I’ve been following this channel since forever and this video explains one of the main reasons why Glass reflection will always have a special place in my heart and his videos will continues to spread words about the shows that are good whether if it’s popular or not


Off the top of my head, I can point to three shows that I would consider hidden gems, both adhering to and somewhat subverting the metrics laid out here:
1. Crest/Banner of the Stars (1999-2005)
This series holds a very special place in my heart as it was the series that turned me from a mainstream anime fan to a connoisseur. Tuning into TechTV's Anime Unleashed block and being introduced to this opened my eyes to what the medium truly had to offer beyond the Toonami staples. I also consider it one of the best space opera anime ever made; maybe not as high as Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Gundam, but still a high ranking tale in its own right, with some thoroughly deep worldbuilding and compelling characters. A surprise survivor of the ADV sinking, rescued by Funimation it still had to wait several years for a rerelease, and even now it goes sadly unknown by all but a very few.
2. Hakumei & Mikochi (2018)
A surprisingly recent title for such a distinction, but one that I feel has earned it for how little anyone, even your own good self, Ark, talks about it. Granted, Spring 2018 was perhaps one of the greatest seasons ever for Slice-of-Life anime and perhaps this title was simply overwhelmed by the likes of A Place Further Than The Universe and Yuru Camp. Perhaps it was lost as it was one of the first flagship titles for the then-new streaming service HiDive. But for whatever reason, I've rarely seen any mention of this title nowadays or even during its release, which is a shame as it is a wonderful feel-good chill-out series that deserves more attention.
3. Wandering Son (2011)
In this current age of social upheaval, I'm genuinely surprised nobody is bringing up this work. The first series I watched when I started tracking my anime streaming, it is also one of the most socially and culturally subversive series I've ever seen, challenging so many conventions and stereotypes of Japanese society, from transgender identity to homosexual relationships, if you want a topic that will stir up Japanese social norms, you'll find it here. But all is presented in the most genuine, heartfelt way possible. Truly an anime for our time, released almost a decade ago.


Appreciate you doing this man, I’ve been watching your reviews as far back as “Desert punk”. Or even a little before so pre 2010 and I can’t wait to see what older stuff you pull out to do videos on. Too many people in the community have forgotten a lot of shows that have been lost with time...


I'd say Princess Principal already counts as a hidden gem.
And it's only 3 years old.
Thanks, Amazon... 🙄


I really appreciate you saying that you’re gonna continue review hidden gems from years past, there’s so many amazing series that have come out that the community just ignores, especially from the 2000s, and it’s great to see you highlighting them


I defiantly hold up Xam'd: Lost Memories up on the top of my hidden gems list. You got a gorgeously animated 2008 BONES show with an interesting world and characters. Historically it was one of the first shows that was streamable which is exactly why it's forgotten since for the longest time it was only accessible through the PSN and its shitty pricing model.


Thank you for continuing to highlight older shows. I do not keep up with the current shows too much, so I much prefer hearing about a variety of different shows that have "proven the test of time", so to say.
