10 Worst Game-Breaking Bugs

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These days it’s incredibly rare to play a game that doesn’t experience
some sort of bug or glitch throughout its runtime but these are generally mildly infuriating at worst, and can sometimes even provide unintentional comedy gold. However, when it came to the likes of Batman: Arkham Origins, EVE Online and Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, things got a whole lot more catastrophic. Here are the 10 Worst Game-Breaking Bugs!

#AssassinsCreed #BatmanArkham #EVEOnline


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I was one of the unlucky folks that had their whole memory card erased by the sony viewtiful joe bug. I called sony and they sent me a game as compensation. A free copy of Sly 2 made the experience more bearable :)


Anyone remember Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy? There was a door that would open with progression, the kind of door that would make you wanna save before entering. If you did before progressing, the door would shut and you'd have to restart


One of the first game breaking bugs I remember is from Might and Magic 9 from 3DO that at the end of the tutorial you needed to kill X # of bats and 11 was stuck in a wall hat was supposed to open up and you could not progress to the rest of the game. The devs apparently knew of the issue, but were not allowed to patch it out pre-release because the company needed the money to keep the doors open. So some of the devs released a patch after the company shut it doors a few days after the launch


You joke about who would want to uninstall _Half Life, _ but considering the PC we got in 1998 had a 6.4-GB hard drive, you would definitely be wanting to install and uninstall games on the regular if you played a lot of them.


The cannon room in Zelda Twilight Princess. Saving there screwed you badly, as that room comes late in the game. Saving moves an important NPC out of the room and renders you unable to continue.


At launch Skyrim on the PS3 had a bug that would corrupt your save after playing for so many hours. I also found my save corrupted after the game crashed so many times.


You forgot to mention the one about pre-Halo Bungie where one of their games, Oni I think it was, would delete the entire directory that the game was installed to as opposed to only the game files themselves, so anyone foolish enough to install the game to anything other than the default file directory location risked losing more important data and/or bricking their PC if they decided to uninstall the game.


I think a more appropriate Zelda entry would've been Skyward Sword's infamous Song of the Hero bug. Sure there was a patch for it in the form of a Wii channel (which afaik is no longer downloadable), but it was particularly brutal because the SotH quest is about 90% through the story and rendered your file unbeatable for simply doing an open ended quest in a mildly unorthodox manner.


Fun list! i'm surprised that Myth 2's uninstaller wasn't included along with half life.


The worst part about some of these issues is that they SOUND like something a customer did to themselves and they just don't know enough about comouters to understand what they did, and they're blaming it on the game because that's the last thing they uninstalled.

Frontline tech support are often (sadly, ironically) the last ones to know about a major issue like these because people higher up the chain are doing damage control already and don't tell us jack shit until they have their poop in a group. I'd bet a dollar that at least for a couple of hours, some of these issues had tech support people basically telling customers that the problem had to be on their end.


I remember save breaking updates not being that uncommon in the late 90's. Can't come up with an example right now but I do remember being annoyed by it on a regular basis.


I'm a little surprised you included the SoulCalibur 3 issue, since it seems to have gone under remembered. But I'm glad you included it. I'm more glad I never had that issue myself.


I didn't think an escort mission could be made any worse.... Thanks, Ubisoft. We knew we could count on you.😢


Ok this is scary. Watching this video while playing Cyberpunk, and when you mentioned it all my gear turned invisible...


Didn't learn till years later that Jak X shipped with a bug that could wipe memory cards. Game was responsible for a lot more arguments than I realised.


And I've managed to live with that time-bomb of a glitch in Soul Calibur 3 on a memory card to this very day. Only discovered the bug a few years back, and I have SC III pretty much since launch O_O Now that's lucky.


The old school Elder Scrolls Morrowind for the Xbox had a killer bug. When you get halfway through the game, the game would freeze and corrupt your game save. Every. Single. Time. And this happened on multiple consoles. I wound up beating the game on the PC version - and as a result, I never played consoles again.


Gran Turismo 2 also had a glitch that would corrupt saves if you used a certain menu option to try and save.


I remember a game breaking bug in Prince Of Persia Sands Of Time. Where using the save game checkpoint to save game just before you cross a bridge, fighting a wave of enemies and enter the observatory. Whilst climbing the observatory you needed to press one of the levers to trigger a platform to move up and progress through the game. This bug would cause that puzzle in the observatory to not be completable, Therefore no way to progress past that section and any further. The only way to get passed that section was to load a previous save game, save at the previous save point, skip the game breaking save point hopefully make it to the next save point without dying. Thus the puzzle was able to be completed and passed.


I ran into the odyssey problem with Socrates when escorting him from captivity. So irritating.
