CRIB TO TODDLER BED: When & How to Transition to Toddler Bed | The Mom Psychologist

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Knowing the right time to transition from crib to toddler bed can be tricky. You might be wondering:

❓When is the right time?
❓What should I be considering before making this change?
❓How do help them adjust to the huge change? How to mentally prepare them?

In this video you’ll learn:
✅What age range is best to consider transitioning to toddler bed and why
✅Important things to consider before you transition them
✅Best practices for mentally preparing your toddler for this big change

► Introduction: 0:00
► When to Transition- 1:23
► Troubleshooting Tips- 3:38
► Tips for Transition- 4:44




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DISCLAIMER 2.0: This video is for educational purposes ONLY. This is not meant to diagnose or treat any mental health conditions or substitute mental health treatment in any way. Please consult with your child's pediatrician or a local mental health provider when considering trying new interventions.

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Hi! My name is Dr. Jazmine and I'm a licensed clinical psychologist and mom of two girls! If you're a mom wanting to feel more confident in your parenting and reclaim your joy of motherhood, then this is DEFINITELY the place for YOU! On this channel, I upload videos every week surrounding topics such as positive parenting tips, easy-to-try discipline hacks, simple play ideas, and more! I help you understand and connect with your young child so that it's easier to manage their difficult behaviors. I basically answer any and all questions any parent looking to have a better relationship with their child (with fewer behavioral issues like tantrums and aggression) could have! Thanks for being a subscriber!

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This is so tough for me because my almost 3 year old is SO CRAZY SMART!!!! he is beyond his years in understanding Except for in the middle of the night! Is anyone else's kid like this? When he wakes up in the night he is goofy and completely unresponsive to direction. We call it his "midnight eyes" 🤣 he gets this excited and silly look on his face and will not listen to anything we ask. He has had a tent on his crib since before able to climb because of it, and we tried for a few weeks to take the tent off but he gets up a million times a night no matter what 😅 he might be in his tent till he's 12.


Love the idea of the door strap, totally doing that. Thank you!


So the trouble im having…. Is my boy has ALWAYS put himself to sleep. He drinks a cup of water and then rolls over and goes go sleep. Hes a year old, but climbs out of his crib. So i cant explain all of this to him and he understand it fully. If i put him in his toddler bed, he wont do that… so im a little confused how to put him to sleep considering everything


It's been almost a month that we made the transition to a full bed, and it's been very difficult. My daughter is 3 years old, and basically we had the same bedtime routine since she was 1 year old and she slept through the night without any problem. (We started the transition because of safety reasons) Now, we still have almost the same routine, the difference is now I wait until she gets asleep and then I leave the room ... after that she wakes up every 2 hours 🥴 I don't know what to do... I'm going to try the door strap method, but I would appreciate if you have more tips 💚


What about a 1 year old? My daughter cries to get out of her crib. So I decided tonight to try the Paw control toddler, send.


I’m curious if you have guidance on aligning potty training with transitioning to a toddler bed? I’m probably overthinking it, but I hate thinking my daughter may be uncomfortably holding her pee bc she’s now learned to use the potty…but she can’t physically get to the bathroom. Is that silly? We were planning on using diapers for naps and overnight, but again just wondering about this. My daughter seems ready for potty training but is perfectly happy in her crib.


My daughter is over 3 and still in a cot. If we try to put her in anything else she gets up and bangs on the doors and flicks the light switches on and off. I don't think she's developmentally ready just yet


What about during nap time 🥲 mine is almost 2 and he is really struggling during nap time…not so much night time.


How would you handle a toddler that comes out of the room but just wants us to walk with her right back to her room and put her blankets back on her? She also has a small potty she knows how to use on her own but comes to our room to gets us to stand at the door while she uses it then put her blankets back on!?

We have the hatch, walk her back with minimal to no talking and have plenty of talks about staying in her bed. SOUNDS LIKE I NEED A LOCK!?


if the two year old is climbing out of the crib it is unsafe to keep it a crib no?


What about the Montessori method that doesn't believe in containers? The infant sleeps on a 4 inch or less floor mattress from the start of having their own room?


Thanks! I was wondering if you’re experienced with twins in the same bedroom. 3… still in a crib😬


What is that door lock you mention of?
