HOW TO BECOME AN INFLUENCER | Daniel Bible Study (How To Influence Culture For Christ)

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This is honestly probably one of my favorite videos I've ever done, because I'm SO passionate about this message. In this overview on the book of Daniel, we'll be talking about HOW TO BECOME AN INFLUENCER and what it means to INFLUENCE CULTURE FOR CHRIST. Daniel is an incredible example to us of what it looks like to be immersed in a culture that does not honor God, yet remain steadfast in his identity as one who serves and obeys God. Doing this is necessary if we are going to influence culture FOR Christ, rather than being influenced BY culture to look like IT.

As Christ-followers, we are called to be the LIGHT of the world, and whether you have one million followers on Instagram or don't even have an Instagram account at all, you ARE an influencer. Not only are you an influencer, but your influence is critically needed. In this video, we are going to talk all about what that means and how we can live it out. 💛

#ChristianInfluencer #HowToBecomeAnInfluencer #ChristianLiving


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“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your let shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." | Matthew 5:14-16
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The goal of our influence is never to try to get people to like us or to look like us, the goal of our influence is to get them to look like CHRIST. 💛 What is one thing you took away from this video?! ✨


I just wanna encourage you that you are doing this world good by being on YouTube! You are such a light, always so kind and so wise. God really knew what he was doing when he called you to be a YouTuber. Hugs 🤗


This video was so so good!! My takeaway is literally everything but most of all praying for those God gives us influence over and remembering the purpose behind our influence. My goal is to be a positive influence and help persons grow in God while I also do the same 😊💖


Here in 2024; after returning to the faith and discovering I'm learning things all over again, I felt a calling to share this journey with others. Not a teaching and preaching type of content but instead a real, real time, bare bones and nitty gritty documentation of my journey and my navigating and learning the Word. Not for the purpose of "teaching" but to show solidarity and stepping out, admitting this is where i am and allowing others to witness so that they might feel some sort of connection or solace or community where they otherwise might not


This was super important for me to hear today. I'm battling an internal battle with something I'm being required to do for work that goes completely against God and what His Word teaches. I feel very convicted to stand for what I believe and in a respectful way decline to do this specific thing. However it could mean my job if I refuse and I don't want to hurt my testimony either by refusing. I don't want people to see my refusal as I hate certain people. I just feel religious liberty is important and my "religious" beliefs should not be imposed on for the sake of compliance. It's so hard because I love my job and the ministry I have there but I feel like Daniels friends being told to bow down and knowing where I stand and not wanting to. I can't be more specific but I wish I could. But I needed this and I believe God sent you to speak to my situation tonight. Thank you


I Love it when you bring the Word of God Kaci, and I Love the Prophets! I'm realizing that I have come to a place where Jesus can increase and minister to so many others through me while my self interest decreases. God greatly Bless your ministry and use you in incredible ways for His Kingdom!!!


This was so, so well done... biblically accurate, expressed with humility and compassion! AWESOME! Thank you.


I can't say enough of how much I love your explanations. Daniel maintaining his identity and drawing a boundary helped me understand how he was able to influence rather than be influenced. The goal of our influence is to look like Christ. Thank you.


It is crazy how God connects me to your YouTube channel every time I do a study bible... on Monday I started a Bible study on the book of Daniel and wow boom you post this video... 😃🙌... same thing happened with your series on the book of Ruth... thank you for this!


We are all influencers. It's just a matter of how we choose to influence. Thanks for sharing messages of substance in a world that truly needs to hear them.


Just what I was looking for. Thanks for making this Kaci! I just started my channel and God has placed it on my heart to influence the Thai culture for Jesus. Will be following along and just subbed 💖


Thank you so much for this,
My takeaway is the 3rd point of knowing your purpose. Will definitely help me in my position at work! God bless.


Love this Bible study! One of my favorite videos that you have done! So much goodness in it! <3


Yessss! I was hoping this would be the direction of this video cause I don’t want to be what most people think of when they hear “influencer”


This is such a great video since I have a channel and want to include my faith in it and influence my community 😊Thanks sis❤


That's crazy1 As you were ending your study on Ruth I was also reading through Daniel on my personal journey through the Bible.
In this day and age it is tough to share the right influence in an affective way. I think you gave a great perspective on how to go about with the scriptures of Daniel. It is a fine line of being able to influence and being dragged into the world. Like you have pointed out its important to fallow the scriptures and go to God with guidance.
I love the book of Daniel as I was studying it I was trying to discern if people who constantly have rapture dreams are receiving prophetic dreams or if they have them because its what they desire most.
Kaci thank you so much for the time you spend making these videos and the work that you put into them.
God Bless!


I don’t have an Instagram and I’m not really on social media that much so my biggest influence is at work. This video was very encouraging to me that wherever God has put me, to be an influence there. 💡✨


yesterday God layed this on my mind.... thank you so much for this video 😘


funny tidbit, my mom's friend ask her little boy what he learned about in sunday school and he said shadrach meshach and a billy goat. never forgot that


This is gold 🙏💖✨ thank you soooo much for this message ! 💕
