Derwent Graphik Line Painter

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In this video I review the incredibly versatile Derwent Graphik Line Painters. As much as I personally absolutely love these pens, I know they are not for everyone, however, I hope this video and review shines a different light on the Line Painters, opening them up to those who may not think they are for them.

I also briefly mention in my review the Derwent Graphik Line Markers which although look very similar to the Graphik Line Painters, they are very different. I will be doing a full review on the Line Markers at a later date.

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Bought a set of five. They do blob a lot so I could not use them for Zentangle art. However if you use the blobbing as a feature you can make some great effects. Especially good on black paper as the colours are so clear and bright.


Great video Harry! 😁 I'm so happy that Vicky has found a creative outlet with these pens. I think we all need something to just shut down and enjoy just for ourselves. May the pens never to dry out on this joy. 😃I hope the vacation has been great. I've seen some wonderful photos over on IG. I hope you are doing well my friend, let me know when you get back. Take care! 🤗


Great tutorial. I'm IN LOVE WITH THOSE PENS!
Thank you so much for showing us those. I wish I lived there, you guys get amazing stuff first.
Thanks for all you do.
Hugs and happiness,
Briana C.


Awesome review as usual.
I’d love if you did a review of Ecoline liquid watercolors and some Dr Ph Martin’s liquid watercolors. That would be really cool to see your opinion on them. Also some Winsor & Newton artist inks.
These are very cool. I’d definitely be interested in these.


great colors and effects. thanks as always for sharing.


I bought these Line Painters some time after seeing a demo at my Art Group. The colours are lovely, and I keep telling myself to use them in a project, for so far they have only been used in doodles; but they make really good doodles! I like the splatter option, but sometimes they do splatter spontaneously and you can't be too precious about the result; that in itself is a good discipline for me, just letting go. I loved to hear your views of them, and I really liked your splatter image on black paper. I must have another go soon. Also I would be very interested in a review of the Line Makers, I have three of the sepia ink, but I would love to see how the grey ink looks on paper compared to the sepia and the black.


I have yet to invest in a set of these. I got one free when I visited the pencil museum and loved it. The thing I like about these pens is that they are permenant when dry.


I love the idea of these. But like you, I don't think I'm creative enough to work out what to do with them! I've picked up the small packs and put them back again so many times.

I'm still trying to loosen up with my Neocolor II's, another fantastic art supply.


How do these differ from Derwents paint pens?


Hmm, I have to throw a thank you towards your wife..I'd never have thought of using these particular pens in colouring books. No clue why, I use just about everything else lol :)


So far this is the only product from derwent that is not going down well with me. It cloggs to fast and it blobbed on my art. Perhaps it is user error but it deffinately is not my thing---> that being said, it is a personal karma thing I have going with basicly ALL push pens :P It drives me bónkers, really lol


Completely unrelated question. I have come across a "pen" called an ethergraph / ethergraf pen made by the Napkin company. They cost $30 - $200. I have seen the writing they produce, and a similar or the identical effect can be achieved with any sharp piece of aluminum. I used rolled up foil and got what looks like a match for the images I've seen made the ethergraf pens. Could you please do a comparison video? An aluminum nail from a hardware store, should suffice for the cheap alternative. (Downspout nails are aluminum.)
If I am correct, people considering buying one of these should know that this product is probably a penny of aluminum on a stic... I mean stylus.


Wouldn't a proper review include products that are not brand new. How long a tip lasts and how far the pigment goes?
