The Real Reason Nuclear Energy Is The Key To A Mars Colony!

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The future of life in space, on Mars and the Moon will depend on small nuclear micro-reactors

Last Video: The Boeing Starliner Has Failed...

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Man, the 50s and 60s was such an auspicious period! Have to admire the accomplishments from that time period!


Hit 200k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started with 14k in last month 2024


I think it was Patrick Moore back in the 1950s or 60s commented that a Moonbase at one of the Moon's poles in constant sunlight wouldn't need either nuclear nor photovoltaic power. The temperature difference between full sunlight and shade on the airless Moon is hundreds of degrees. A fluid-filled metallic loop with a sunshade over half of it would have the temperature gradient sufficient to drive an electricity-generating turbine. Simple, efficient and strong.


10:14 "the Americans, the chinese and Elon Musk" Musks got nation status now 🤣


I was a kid during the "Jonny Quest" period when the "atom was our friend". I became an adult during the hysterical period when the "atom is the Devil". Hopefully, we will come to a common sense attitude that Nuclear Power is good when built carefully and used responsibly.
As for nuclear power in space.... why would any sane person be paranoid about the "radioactivity" of a nuclear reactor when the Sun and Galactic Cosmic Rays are bombarding you with much more ridiculous levels of radiation every second? And if we put it on the Moon or Mars, it has very little chance of landing on Earth. Just like those extremely smart American scientists were when they launched SNAP into a high orbit to protect against orbital decay.
As for the nuclear waste problem, the Japanese solved that decades ago with the Fast Breeder Reactor fuel cycle to recycle fuel rods. Too bad they didn't put as much effort into their backup power in Reactor units in earthquake zones. That gave them one hell of a PR problem. Now Japan is going through their own the "atom is the devil" period....


Nuclear fuel will take a fraction of the storage and can reach speeds of 170% or faster.
We have nuclear submarines,
- This is the way -
Throw some solar wings on it as well 👐


I think the possibilities of such a small and portable reactor here on earth are even cooler than bringing it to space. Bring sustainable power to many more places.


Based on the power output of the kaleidos reactors, you’d need two of them to provide the required 1.76 MW of power needed to make enough methane using the sabatier process to fill one starship within two years (so they can return after orbiting the sun). They weigh 20 tons each so yeah two can fit on a single starship, but that’s a lot of capacity. They could definitely land a starship specifically meant to be a fuel depot though.

Thats actually pretty impressive I didn’t realize micro reactors were capable of this.


Shades of Asimov's walnut sized, portable nuclear power plants, created through necessity by his Foundation, when Seldon and friends were exiled to Terminus.


Even the smallest settlement on Mars needs a triple redundancy. 1. Solar. 2. Reactor. 3. Passive reactor.
No energy = Game Over


An old friend from my youth, Mr. Otto Myialander who was one of the scientists brought here from Germany after ww2. He worked on the Apollo and ion engines.


Rolls Royce have been given the lunar portable nuclear reactor power module contract for the artemis missions, its going to be a downed scaled nuclear reactor from its latest submarine design etc


I was literally watching a radiant video from with doug lol this video came out about 1 min ago perfect timing


Starship is unlocking the potential for so much cool ass shit. Gosh I freaking love that rocket 🥰


6:36 "Downside of being much more complex"
Well, simple systems won't get us much farther


I recall *Kilopower, * NASA's Small Fission Power System meant for a Moon base with 1 kWe and 10 kWe of 2014.


4:48 - See Scott Manley (and perhaps Curious Droid), of course...


The Soviet space program didn't just test nuclear reactors in space, but actually powered radar reconnaissance satellites with them.


I would be very interested in learning more about Radient's reactor. Mass, energy output, cost per unit, fuel cycle, etc.

Warm regards, Rick.


You have the earth spinning in the wrong direction.
