Punishing: Gray Raven | Who I Used To Be - Alpha's Character Impression Song

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Treading on the same road as always, but questioning my determination once again;
Who am I fighting for, and what should I believe in?

Staff List:
Composer: Matjaz Gorican & Martin Bezjak
Lyricist:Spela Gorogranc - Shana
Singer: Spela Gorogranc - Shana
Producer: Ruotong Music

#punishinggrayraven #PGR
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What’s the things that can killed me?
Stab? ❌
Falling from a high place? ❌
Old age? ❌
Cancer? ❌
Alpha’s smiling happily ✅


"SKK, do not be yowai and osoi. Be tsuyoi and hayai."

-Alpha, instructing the SKK on how to be the Omega to her Alpha.


Started playing this game to see Vergil’s daughter. Stayed because Alpha is best girl and this story is amazing.


Love the fact that Alpha is just that character who's emo, lone wolf type, neutral (kinda), one woman army whose work is mostly wander around travelling places, enjoying what she can get in the ruins, and basically just a girl with normal hobbies. She loves her bike and her kitty


Kuro you can't just be dropping bangers outta nowhere like this


It was a powerful and soulful song! PGR has a lot of great songs, so I hope we can hear Alpha's singing voice in Japan as well.


I haven't even played this.
*The music amazes me already.*
(Log 1: Started playing today! 21/02/2023)
(Log 2: As of 22/02/2023, I am a Level 36 Commandant, one step closer to Alpha.)
(Log 3: I am Level 40 as of 23/02/2023)
(Log 4: As of 24/02/2023, I am Level 44. A few steps closer to best girl Alpha.)
(Log 5: Level 46. 28/02/2023)
(Log 6: I'm successfully at Level 52. 02/03/2023)
(Log 7: I'm now level 53. 07/03/2023)
(Log 8: Level 56 or 57! 10/03/2023-12/03/2023)
(Log 9: Alpha's banner has arrived again! Going to save up my BCs to try and roll her. 13/03/2023)
(Log 10: I have redownloaded PGR and started anew. 15/03/2023)
(Log 11: Decided to keep my account due to being level 61. Started to save my BCs/Black Cards. 15/03/2023-18/03/2023)
(Log 12: Hello again, everyone! I've been a little inactive with this, due to life and that. Anyhow! A Free S-Rank Selector is coming May for the Nanamech patch. You all know what that means! Alpha! :D Also, I'm level 64 now! | 09/04/2023)
(Log 13: I loop this song literally everyday. 12/04/2023)
(Log 14: Just 12 days until the Nanamech patch! 29/04/2023)
(Log 15: There are approximately 11 days left until I get Alpha! 30/04/2023)
(Log 16: Only 7 days left! 04/05/2023)
(Log 17: Nanamech released yesterday! Her construct is in the shop now! 12/05/2023)
(Log 18: Same day. The S-Rank Selector takes three weeks of missions to complete. Weekly ones specifically. But that's easy! 12/05/2023)
(Log 19: Hello again, fellow constructs, ascendants and commandants! I'm at level 69. 6/15 quests done for the S-Rank Selector! I'll make sure to keep you all updated, as usual! | 21/05/2023)
(Log 20: Once again, greetings to you all! I have completed 10/15 tasks for the free S-Rank Selector, and managed to max out "Sakura", Alpha's signature katana! | 25/05/2023)
(Log 21: Just a small one today, I'm worn out and need sleep. Managed to grind to level 70 and get 12/15 tasks for the S-Rank Selector. That's all today! | 28/05/2023)
(Log 22: Ladies and gentlemen. It has been.. a long journey. I finally got Alpha. Level 71. I managed to get her to level 71, with my best memories at level 45, and her signature at level 45. | 30/05/2023)
(Log 23: Hey, everyone! How are you? I'm a level 73 Commandant at Story EX-02. | 10/06/2023)
(Log 24: Heya! Haven't updated the log for a while. I've been busy with things. Anyway! I'm at Level 74, and I'm at Chapter 14! 1.7k Black Cards, too! | 25/06/2023)
(Log 25: It's been a month. I've spent my BC on Haicma, and tried to get her weapon. I also completed chapters 14-18! To add on, I'm at level 75 with a Swordwave/Bladewill built Alpha. Haicma is running well. Liv (Eclipse) is S-Rank, Lucia (Dawn) is S-Rank, so is Lotus. Liv (Eclipse) or Nanami (Storm) is almost SS-Rank! Remember, fellow shikikans. Stay motivated, and pursue your paths, no matter the costs! | 24/07/2023)
(Log 26: Hello again. It's been almost a month, heh. I haven't been playing too much PGR, 'cause I'm waiting for the next patch. Back up to 1.4k+ BC, though. I've been using the Eng Dub, but I'll switch back to Japanese for the holy yowai and osoi. Oh, and I'm level 77! Anyway.. Next target: Crimson Weave! | 19/08/2023)
(Log 27: Once again, hello! It's been a full month, pretty much. I'm saving well on BC. 6.7k now! Oh, and level 79/80 for CUBs! That is all for now. | 18/09/2023)
(Log 28: Just a small update for now. Almost level 80. 7.17 kBC.)
(Log 29: Heya. Level 81, Ploom obtained and maxed, just need her resonance. 9.71k BC.)
(Log 30: Hello once more. Level 82, I'm at 11.13k BC.)
(Log 31: Well, ladies and gentlemen. We've officially hit the 31st Log. Guess you could say this log is technically a whole month long, heh. Anyway! I'm at 12.37k BC as of now. JUST FOUR MONTHS LEFT UNTIL CRIMSON WEAVE, HANG IN THERE, FELLOW ALPHA ENJOYERS! | 15/10/2023)
(Log 32: Well, I've managed to reach 13.97k BC. Doing very well! | 20/10/2023)
(Log 33: As of today, 14.55k BC. SS-Rank No. 21. | 23/10/2023)
(Log 34: I gave in. I gave in, and pulled Stigmata using 14.8k BC. Back to 200 BC. I'll have about 13kBC by the time CW rolls around, so it's fine. | 24/10/2023)
(Log 35: So, I'm back up to 1.35k BC so far. Doing good. Oh, and I reached Level 85. | 12/11/2023)
(Log 36: Bought 5.5kBC, tried to whale for Vera, ended up getting Selena: Capriccio. I'm not complaining. | 29/11/2023)
(Log 37: I'm gonna whale again on Christmas, then save up BC until Lamia. After, I'll use 7.5k BC on Crimson Weave. It's a long wait, but it'll be worth it. See you all in 2024, Commandants! | 19/12/2023)
(Log 38: It's been a whole month. Welcome to 2024, Commandants. I'll have enough by the time I get to Lamia for both Crimson Weave and Bianca's "Isolated Dream" coating. | 21/01/2024)
(Log 39: I'll actually have enough for Alpha / Crimson Weave! I need to grind 3 weeks in her event, but that's easier said and done! | 26/01/2024)
(Log 40: SSS Eclipse! FINALLY! | 27/01/2024)
(Log 41: 1 single day left, then Crimson Weave storms her way into Global. || 21/02/2024)
(Log 41.5: Main BC Count: 1k+ || Alt BC Count: 1.5k+ || 21/02/2024)
(Log 42: Main BC count: 500+ (spent a bit on tickets) || Alt BC count: 1.9k+ || 22/02/2024)
(Log 43: Just 11 hours time, and maintenance begins. || 22/02/2024)
(Log 44: Alt: Level 73. Got CW, Ultima, her Sig and her C.U.B on my alt, along with the correct memory build. || Main: Level 94. On my main, I got CW maxed out, Ultima and her memory build (4x Diesel, 2x Cottie). || 23/02/2024)
(Log 45: CW, Sig and Ultima on both accounts. C.U.B on the alt. Going amazing. Been busy with mock exams recently, so I haven't updated the logs too much. || 08/03/2024)
(Log 46: After a whole year or two, Kuro have finally posted the HD Wallpaper to this. I've got it up on my Twitter right now. || X / Twitter Tag: @BlackwindRZ || Update you all again soon! || 09/03/2024)
(Log 47: God damn, do I really keep forgetting to return here? Anyway! I've got Crimson Weave to Infinatas, managed to Ultima Rosetta, now I'm working on building Crimson Abyss again. See you again soon, fellow Commandants! || 05/04/2024)
(Log 48: Jesus fucking- THREE AND A HALF MONTHS?! Have I been gone that long?! Ah, whatever. Point is, I have SS Crimson Weave, Infinatas Rosetta, Infinatas Crimson Abyss, Ultima Gray Raven (Lucia, Liv, Lee), etc. Doing well for myself. See you again, Commandants! || 28/07/2024)


Few seconds in and I can already tell dat tis gonna be a classic


Thank you for giving us this, Kuro.

It's stunning.

Hopefully we'll see reality-cutting beauty that is Alpha again one day in the Story.


Foolishness Kuro; there is no error when receiving Alpha’s data


My next pull target : Alpha, YOU ARE COMING WITH US


I like that Alpha's horn-like Inver-Device also functions as a pair of headphones


I love how Alpha's aesthetic is more "retro" compared to pretty much everyone else in pgr.

Alpha likes old motorcycles, soda(whatever shes drinking here), abandoned Golden Age buildings, god she even listens to music on a music player. Amidst the super modern look of the game her appearance is fundamentally older than most other constructs.
Her jacket and scarf are super worn down, she has quite a lot of skin exposed, and with so few mechanical looking parts that if you didn't know any better, you'd probably think shes simply using prosthetic arms and nothing else(Sam Rodrigues much?)
Even the song and the mv have a classical rock feel instead of the trance edm genre of most pgr ost.


I really hope, one day, Alpha and Luna can find it in their hearths to give humanity a chance and reconcile with Lucia.


Now we're talking!!! Those are some peak vocals!! <3 <3 <3



Underneath I look,
for reflection in your eyes,
who am I inside?

Hatred lingering,
It will not unravel me,
bring me to my knees.

How am I still so cold?~

I feel numb,
broken and undone,
Holding onto memories,
like flying leaves.

In between,
living and the dead,
flip a switch and do not feel,
is it even real?
do you see,
who I used to be!

So far from me,
like a distant memory,
Was it all a dream?

Hold your hands in mine,
and destroy whoever tries,
to come in between.

I feel numb,
broken and undone,
floating up like memories,
above the trees.

In between,
living and the dead,
flip a switch I do not feel,
am I even real?

ohhhhoooo, ohoohhoooo]

I will fight!
Shadows in the night,
Stronger than each one of them,
I'm born again,
With a spark,
slashing through the dark,
Not afraid of who I am,
Just hold my hand..

I will fight!
Shadows at night,
Holding on to.. memories,
With a spark,
cutting through the dark,
Not afraid of who I am,
now I understand!
Do you see?


Alpha once again gains a awesome song. Arguably the best character so if any character was gonna get this treatment better her than most others.


Best song for best girl. Both have went through alot, and changed alot. People may shine bright... But no one shines brighter than Lucia. Looking forward to what her plans are next, and as always... Yowai. (this song goes hard btw, cant just keep dropping bangers out of nowhere, Kuro. smh)


Very cool track, kudos to the composer, producer and vocalist 🛐


