A Guide to Literary Genres | What genre is your book?

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Sometimes knowing your book's genre is easy, but other times navigating the various genre and category labels can be confusing or even just frustrating. But, knowing your book's genre is crucial for marketing your book effectively. In this video, we're breaking down all the genre and category conventions, from the differences between middle grade, young adult, and adult fiction, literary vs. commercial fiction, and the different genres such as fantasy, romance, and horror and their subgenres.


0:00 - Intro
1:08 - Adult
1:47 - Young Adult
2:56 - Middle Grade
3:44 - Literary vs. Genre Fiction
7:23 - Mystery
7:54 - Thriller
8:42 - Horror
9:33 - Historical
10:21 - Fantasy
11:00 - Science Fiction
11:48 - Dystopian
12:34 - Romance
13:34 - Contemporary


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Your summary of ‘Dystopian’ as being “Not the nicest of genres” made me laugh out loud ... a lot!!! Subscribed just for that! 😂😂


THANK YOU!!!! I needed this video so bad. Thank you also for the extra links. Please keep them open.


My book series will fit neatly on the shelves in the "Fantasy" section, but it has elements of so many genres and subgenres. It has a copious amount of mystery and thriller, some alternate historical fiction and veiled dystopian, a sci-fi backdrop if you look closely and critically enough, and could rightly be sublabeled high fantasy and/or epic fantasy. The fantasy subgenre I'm hoping to have it most closely be identified as however is 'arcanepunk', which is a subgenre that has massive untapped potential imo, and which I hope to one day be among the body of fantasy authors who brings it its due.


As a historical fiction writer I really liked how you described it.


While You did not cover humor or humour, I was impressed with the extra assistance you provide to viewers as in the time stamps.Well done.


Excellent video! One of the best explanations of Literary Fiction vs. Genre Fiction


I'm writing a Vampire series. The first book is very psychological and character-driven as the main character's backstory is entirely based on my own. Main character is legally blind and going completely blind, alone two thousand miles from where he grew up because his family made him feel like he wasn't wanted and a part of him just wants to die or for something interesting to happen. The Story begins one month after he take Ayahuasca and things are starting to get weird in his world.

The first book is a vampire romance but it is my main character's story and the vampirism starts fading in from the backdrop and eventually becomes a major part of his story and the first book leaves the reader knowing that in the second book there will be no romance and it will be absolute Carnage as this first book is just a world opener to a much bigger World of Vampires where a world war is about to erupt with humans caught in the crossfire.


I have much of my writing skill background in the intellectual terrainof storytelling. My stories are more character driven than plot, so that makes a literary writer. So my preference leans on the gothic or horror. Thank you for your guiding lessons. I'm hooked on them.


As an apprentice librarian this really helped thank you


Yeeeey i only read historical related books and i want to start writing my own books (i'm studying history at university) and, it was very surprising for me the fact that my univetsity has classes related for the historical novels/fiction. So happy


I assumed I was the only person who would have trouble putting a genre to their book but apparently it's a common enough issue that there's videos to talk about it. neat!


Quick question. Do you have a video on how to write family sagas, since they usually span several generations? Love your videos!


thanks i really needed this for 6th grade.


I'm finding it really hard to put my book in a genre. I'm thinking contemporary because most of the book is set from 2012 to 2024 but there are also parts before and after. And I have no idea which age catagory because it literally follows the main characters entire life, with the main plot taking place when the main characters are around 16-30 with some subplots concluding up until they are in their 40s. Help!


I am a little confused over something. And I need help.

I am writing a book where the protagonist who hated her life is now somehow cursed and ends up waking up every morning as a different person with a different life. The phenomenon occures for a limited time until she realises thay her own life was better and wants to go back. Through the story many triggering things occur, funny things occur, she even finds love and friendship, and also witnesses a murder first hand. And throughout all this she understands the relevance of her life to her.

What genre can it be?


Im writing an adventure story. Thanks for tge timestamps they are very helpfull: )


My book is Near-future Science Fiction. FINALLY! Thanks!


Can we change genres in a series? For example if the first book in the series is a YA high fantasy and the second is a YA Sci-f????


Mine is sort of a blend between the Joker 2019 movie and Death Note anime. I guess it’s psychological thriller, political fantasy, magical realism, and dystopian (so far). I’m thinking it also has bits of literary but not really?


I have a series where the MC goes from age 9 to late 20s early 30s. I thought YA but then with the MC growing up I was thinking coming of age, but I'm not sure.
