Hippie Halloween!!.. | FIRST TIME HEARING Fleetwood Mac - The Chain REACTION

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Welcome to Rob Squad Reactions This is a music reaction channel. My passion is being a content creator, and providing my audience with unique, funny, and never before seen reaction videos. I have come to grow a love for all types of music from my beloved rap to heavy metal and I want to share that love with all of you. Being a content creator is my passion and it brings me so much joy and being able to share my passion and joy with all of you and grow as a community is an amazing feeling. In addition to reacting to all different types of music, I am also a a husband to my amazing wife Amber and a dad to 3 amazing kids Bria, Kiya and Luca. I am here to try and make a change in this world starting with something that brings us all together MUSIC!!

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This is a reaction video used to educated and give my feedback on the song and Artists

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Rumours is arguably one of the best albums ever made.


This whole album by Fleetwood Mac is a masterpiece, it just never gets old


An album born of betrayal, heartbreak and cocaine. What a masterpiece. Also: Lindsey is an underappreciated guitarist.


Before Michael Jackson's "Thriller" this was the best selling album of all time. The reason, if one may speak of such things, is simple: every single song is a masterpiece.


People shouldn’t underestimate Christine McVie’s voice either. When she sings Songbird, I melt in to her voice - beautiful


Lindsey Buckingham is the most underrated guitarist I have ever heard nobody gives him the credit he wholeheartedly deserves you could nail three strings to a board and he can play a song with it


Buckingham is playing a Dobro guitar on this track. This is what sounds "Southern" or somewhat like a "Banjo." It's an acoustic guitar with a steel "resonator" in the body; this generates its unique resonating rasp sound.


Christine McVie is the "other" female singer. She is every bit as talented and has a voice that is truly amazing. Her smokey, softly scratchy voice is magical.


You hit it on the head when you said it sounded like different songs together. Because that is exactly what this is, and part of why it's called The Chain. Each member brought pieces of their own songs together. Lindsey recycled the intro to his Buckingham Nicks song Lola My Love into the intro of this one. Part of Christine's song Keep Me There that was never fully realized is here. And Stevie contributed her demo The Chain to this as well. The demo version of Chain is really a completely different song (find it on YouTube) but contains the lyric "I can still here you saying you would never break the chain.".... And that's the title given to this new composition. They pieced and re-pieced this song together soooo many times, it's amazing it turned into something this classic.

Another note... Stevie is the predominate voice heard with Lindsey but Christine is doing the soaring harmony above both of them during the "still hear you sayin" part. Honestly their voices blend so well sometimes it hard to differentiate when they all merged together.


You MUST watch this live and see her and Lindsay scream sing this at each other. The emotions are incredible


Christie Mcvie has a beautiful voice, too. She sings lead vocals on the Rumors album on the songs ..Oh Daddy, Songbird, Don’t Stop, You Make Loving Fun, as well as backing vocals on many others. The talent in Fleetwood Mac runs deep! Love your reactions…and your family is so lovely.


This whole Rumours album is awesome! Don't think there's a bad song on it. I think this song is probably my favorite! Glad you're reacting to it.


This whole album was written because of/ amid the turmoil of their relationships. Breakups, adultery, betrayal. It is why this album is one of THE best of all time.


The Chain was the four members of Fleetwood Mac, and when Christine Mc Vee passed away ( RIP ) Stevie Nicks said that the chain had been broken


In the 70’s, EVERYONE had this album, because it was fantastic from start to finish.
Us 70’s veterans are the blessed generation.


My favorite FM song. Stevie's long-time boyfriend, guitarist extraordinaire Lindsay Buckingham, sings lead on this. The song is about how the music (the chain) holds them all together.


True story here: when I was a kid my older brothers told my parents that I wanted an 8 track player for Christmas and then told her what tapes I wanted. My mom wrote them down and because there were 5 of us she didn’t have the time to really look at what she bought. I was the only 4th grader with an 8 track player and this album, plus some Alice Cooper, Led Zeppelin, and Frampton Comes Alive.


This is my favorite Fleetwood Mac song. LOVE IT!


Fun Fact: there is a video where they performed this song live. Before going on stage, Stevie and Lindsay had a huge argument and when this song finally came for them play, Lindsay was belting out his part and you could tell Stevie was bothered and just stood there staring at him. They love each other, nonetheless but after Christines passing, they all agreed by bond of blood that if a member passes, they would never play again, a bonded promise to each other.


When I listen to Fleetwood Mac Rumours, it’s always front to back.
One of the all time GREATEST albums
