Ranking All Main Weapons In Remnant 2 (Awakened King DLC)

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What is the BEST weapon in Remnant 2? In this tier list, I take a look at all the main weapons. Using a ranged damage build I tested each in dungeons and boss fights to see how they all held up. Each was selected for a boss that it could handle well. Ultimately this list is my own personal preference with some info on which mods and mutators are best if you want to try them out. Every weapon in this game is more than viable to beat bosses. But, some are way better than others and the top 3 really are just the strongest options.

Remnant 2 is a direct sequel to the Remnant From The Ashes Game that came out a few years ago. It appears to take place further in the future with root corrupting the jungle area almost completely, and Ford being an old man. The game will have 3 player coop with brand new worlds to explore and plenty of weapons to try out. Already we have seen at least 5 massive bosses and items such as a pistol, barrel shotgun, saw blade, and best of all a bow. This game will be coming out sometime in 2023 and it will have branching quest lines, augments, crafting, and plenty of loot rewards. The first game was an absolute blast and this sequel is shaping up to be an excellent addition to the series.

00:00 Intro
00:30 Build Overview
01:22 31
01:42 30
02:46 29
03:42 28
04:38 27
05:20 26
05:52 25
06:42 24
07:40 23
08:32 22
09:40 21
10:34 20
11:46 19
12:30 18
13:06 17
13:38 16
14:18 15
14:58 14
15:54 13
16:58 12
17:26 11
18:16 10
19:50 9
20:54 8
21:48 7
22:32 6
23:36 5
24:56 4
26:00 3
27:18 2
28:48 1
30:24 Conclusion
31:22 Tier List
31:40 Outro

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Ranking All Main Weapons In Remnant 2 (Awakened King DLC)

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For those wondering, NO this ranking was not only based around HUGS, or Hunter and Gunslinger. The footage was all taken with a HUGS build so you can get some comparison between them. However, I ranked them from everything they bring to the table. Mod capabilities, overall ranged damage, ammo amount, reload speed, and in general how they feel. The dialogue expresses where weapons shine, may that be ranged damage, or something else. Also, all tier lists are opinion based so no hate if you like a weapon I ranked lower. All the guns can beat a full campaign run on apocalypse its just that some are better at it than others. Thanks!


*_Regular Longguns_*
AS-10 Bulldog 12:30 _Starting Weapon_
Blackmaw AR-47 16:59 _Starting Weapon_
Chicago Typewriter 21:49
Coach Gun 13:07
Crossbow 4:38
Ford's Scattergun 5:52
Huntmaster M1 14:17 _Starting Weapon_
Pulse Rifle 13:39
Royal Hunting Bow 11:46
Rusty Lever Action 1:23 _Starting Weapon_
Sparkfire Shotgun 20:55
Widowmaker 19:51
Wrangler 1860 5:20 _Starting Weapon_
XMG57 Bonesaw 17:27 _Starting Weapon_

*_Special Longguns_*
Alpha-Omega 23:37
Aphelion 7:41
Corrupted Aphelion 9:41
Corrupted Deceit 10:35
Corrupted Merciless 15:55
Crescent Moon 26:01
Deceit 27:19
Merciless 18:17
Monarch 28:49
Nightfall 22:32
Plasma Cutter 24:56
Repulsor 6:42
Sagittarius 2:46
Savior 8:33
Sporebloom 14:58
Starkiller 3:43
Twisted Arbalest 1:43


Absolutely fantastic video. Not just a tier list but an explanation of the weapon traits and advantages/disadvantages. Sure, certain guns are going to shine in particular builds, but this was the best explanation of rationale behind a ranking like this I've seen.


Agree pretty solidly with this list for Gun DPS. Best thing about this game is if you love a weapon, any weapon, you can build for it and clear Nightmare and perhaps even Apocalypse.

I’ve seen dreamcatcher and red doe staff clears…anything is possible.


Thank you for the tier list. A Tier list of Handguns would be nice as well.


The Twisted Arbalest has a saving grace: Despite not looking like it the mod counts as Explosive damage. Not only can it deal severe damage if you build around it, it also makes the Twisted Arbalest an excellent accompaniment to the Corrupted Meridian, giving you an option for dealing with swarms or enemies that get too close.


I thought deceit was kinda dumb and then I got the hero’s sword and it clicked.


I've been using the AS-Bulldog, almost maxed out the upgrades and its deadly. Attach the slow mod to it and you got yourself a banger.
Nice list. I agree with your categorization of the weapons.


The comment about Twisted Arbelest about damage is wrong. This gun gives very high damage once it’s been fully upgraded, especially with crowd control.


Just incase you didn't know the sequenced shot mutator has been confrmed to be bugged by the devs and they are working on a fix. The intended amounts are not a 90% reduction in charge speed, but insteaed a 35% reduction.


Im gonna say the best dps long gun is all dependent on what build you are running.


Gonna have to make a whole new video new patch April 22 2024 changes everything


You had me at 50 apocalypse clears. I did that shit once and took the longest nap of my life.


Not sure if anyone noticed but it was more about the guns themselves rather than the mod even though he did mention mods which is why he didn't switch builds each time.


“Remnant 2 gun review but all the guns are F-tier”


yep, clearing adds while also hitting the boss makes monarch very easy and also very fun to use


Very nice video, enjoyed ur analysis and will def utilize the info in my runs👍


nightfall with bandit giving ammo back to the mag is pretty fun


I knew you were gonna end on Monarch! That gun is so dope 👌🏻 I just got it. I also just got the Soarkfire shotgun and holyyyy that’s a fun one to play with the Ritualist. I love these tier lists and how you include the best mods and/ or modulators to use with them.


So I do have one "redeeming" quality for the Crossbow: It's completely silent. This redeeming factor is shared by every bow however, so they're all objectively better. Silent weapons enable stealth gameplay if you're into that.

For anyone unaware of how the ambush/alarm system works, imagine an invisible bar that slowly fills over time but fills faster while a player has aggro. Once the bar is full, the next time a player is seen or heard (or if they're actively in combat) the ambush event starts. What this means in practice is if you one-shot every single enemy on the map with a silent weapon or from outside of their hearing range, the ambush events will never happen.
