Deus Vult: Knights Templar Hymn - Lyric Video | Sacred Chant & Medieval Music

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🛡️ "Deus Vult: The Templar's Prayer" is a sacred hymn blending Gregorian chant and medieval sacred music, inspired by the Knights Templar and their role in the Crusades. The song features haunting Latin phrases, invoking the prayers and battle cries of these legendary warriors, alongside English lyrics telling their story of faith and devotion.

The music reflects the Templars' deep connection to Christ, evoking the solemn atmosphere of their prayers before battle. With the sacred ambiance of Gregorian chant and martial undertones, this hymn brings to life their spiritual and militant journey.

🎬 Background video provided by History: YouTube Channel

The Knights Templar - Historical Context
Founded in the early 12th century, the Knights Templar were a military order dedicated to defending Christian pilgrims and territories during the Crusades. Known for their strict vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, the Templars served both as monks and warriors. Their motto, "Non nobis, Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam" ("Not unto us, O Lord, but to Your name give glory"), reflected their unwavering faith in God’s mission.

Their rallying cry, "Deus Vult" ("God wills it"), symbolizes their belief that they fought for a divine cause, and this song captures their devotion and bravery.

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✨ Lyrics:
In nomine Domini, ad gloriam Regis,
(In the name of the Lord, to the glory of the King,)
Milites Sancti, in fide constantis.
(Holy soldiers, steadfast in faith.)
Per crucem sacram, virtus vivit,
(Through the sacred cross, virtue lives,)
In tenebris, lux oritur.
(In darkness, light arises.)

Chorus (Latin and English)
Deus vult, Dominus vocavit! (God wills it, the Lord has called!)
Non timebimus, cor nostram firmavit! (We shall not fear, our hearts He has strengthened!)
By sword and shield, by prayer and might,
The Templars rise, for the holy light.

Fides nostra, spes et salus! (Our faith, our hope, and salvation!)
In the name of Christ, we march as one,
Under the banner of the holy Son.

Verse 2 (Latin)
Terra Sancta, nos vocat in proelia,
(The Holy Land calls us to battle,)
Custodes fidei, sub Maria.
(Guardians of the faith, under Mary.)
Per vias longas, per ignem sacrum,
(Through long roads, through sacred fire,)
Templarii fortis, hostem fractum.
(The brave Templars, break the enemy.)

Chorus (Latin and English)
Deus vult, Dominus vocavit! (God wills it, the Lord has called!)
Non timebimus, cor nostram firmavit! (We shall not fear, our hearts He has strengthened!)
By sword and shield, by prayer and might,
The Templars rise, for the holy light.

Fides nostra, spes et salus! (Our faith, our hope, and salvation!)
In the name of Christ, we march as one,
Under the banner of the holy Son.

Bridge (Latin)
Gloria in excelsis Deo! (Glory to God in the highest!)
Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, amen!
(Through our Lord Jesus Christ, amen!)
Ad caelos ascendimus cum fide pura,
(To the heavens we ascend with pure faith,)
Pro gloria Dei, semper dura!
(For the glory of God, ever enduring!)

Final Chorus (Latin and English)
Deus vult, Dominus vocavit! (God wills it, the Lord has called!)
Non timebimus, cor nostram firmavit! (We shall not fear, our hearts He has strengthened!)
By sword and shield, by prayer and might,
The Templars rise, for the holy light.

Fides nostra, spes et salus! (Our faith, our hope, and salvation!)
In the name of Christ, we march as one,
Under the banner of the holy Son.

#DeusVult #TemplarsPrayer #GregorianChant #MedievalMusic #KnightsTemplar #Crusades #SacredHymn #HolyLand #LatinChant #HistoryChannel #SacredChant #TemplarSong #FaithAndWar #SacredMusic #Christianity #MedievalChant
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“What does the Templar’s Prayer mean to you? How does this song reflect their spiritual mission? Share your thoughts in the comments below!”


This is very good. What was done to them was absolutely evil. May God rest the souls of these ancient brethren.


I'm a Christian and a Templar Knight, and I believe that we will rise up against evil, defending the right to freely worchip our Lord and defending Jerusalem.
I sincerely salute all my brothers everywhere.


To my mom, dad and all the ancestors. I pray each day that I will live up to my promise to follow the oath of our family. Moments before my grandfather died he commanded me to take charge of the family and to always remember the pledge of the Massenza: “Feed the hungry. Treat everyone with the same respect whether they be wealthy or poor. Do no one harm, and protect the helpless. Always tell the truth. Honor the family and you honor yourself.” This is what a real noble person should live by. At least it is what I was told was my charge. It has been what has been commanded to all those chosen for well over a thousand years. In 1098 my ancestor was a knight of the First Crusade. Benedicite servientibus Deo et veritati.


DEUS VULT! We need the templars so much in this time!! They we're great and unbelievable!!


I admire so much these holy warriors.... fought for a just cause


This is one of the best songs I have ever heard in my entire life.


Lift high the Cross of Jesus you soldiers of the Living God. Fear naught for He is with us always. Deus Vult


Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam Domine !
Hoc signo vinces !


I can't stop listening to this. love it so much


I'll second vote this! Put this on Spotify please. Came here by accident listening to the metal band Civil War 😊 But beautiful mate! Deus Vult!!


Christian Europe, wake up & rise again..


“When darkness rapes the land, the Seraphs shall purify the Templars and lead their sacred swords to victory.”


God bless, may He keep us on the path of truth.


Para quem esta fora do Pais, a saudade e do tamanho de Minas Gerais, lindo Lugar 🥹🇧🇷🇮🇹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Praise the Father, Son, And Holy Spirit. ✝️❤️✝️
Deus Vult!


I enjoyed the mix of Latin and the modern metal sound to make a memorable song.


Traditional Catholic Faith, Forever and Ever !


Lord lifted me high i am evangelical solider emperor Christ Jesus ❤❤❤❤


I love the music. The video is taken from History Channel's Knightfall which did not depict the templars in the right perspective, nor was it historically or religiously accurate. I would like to critique the music video because of that. But thank you for sharing. Where could I find only the audio?
