Honorary Doctorate Conferment to Arnold Schwarzenegger

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In recognition of his significant contributions to the field of governance, particularly through his work in sustainability and civic engagement, the Hertie School will be awarding Arnold Schwarzenegger – renowned actor, former Governor of California, and founder of the Schwarzenegger Institute at the University of Southern California (USC) – with an honorary doctorate.
We are proud to host Governor Schwarzenegger at the Hertie School on Tuesday, 17 September. The ceremony will include the conferment of the honorary doctorate, a laudation by Robert Habeck, Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, a keynote address by Governor Schwarzenegger, and a moderated Q&A session with the audience. The event is supported by the American Academy in Berlin.
We are proud to host Governor Schwarzenegger at the Hertie School on Tuesday, 17 September. The ceremony will include the conferment of the honorary doctorate, a laudation by Robert Habeck, Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, a keynote address by Governor Schwarzenegger, and a moderated Q&A session with the audience. The event is supported by the American Academy in Berlin.
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