Angular CRUD with Web API Tutorial Part #6 - Generate Components with Module and Routing

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Sir haven't commented the first few but felt have to say; you are very clear in your teaching and concise. Nice work!


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Angular CRUD with Web API Tutorial Part #6 - Generate Components with Module and Routing

- Generate comopnents
- products
- create below components under products component

- prodcuts-by-category
- create-product
- view-product
- view-all-products
- view-all-products-by-date
- view-all-products-by-category
- update-product
- delete-product


Excellent teaching skills you have sir


till now everything is okey and understandable sir...


sir, I have two questions as

1.Why didn't you import ProductModule in app.module.ts and
2. In ProductModule why you did not export all the components just like you did for orders.module.ts file?


I am grateful too because this is so helpful for me! Thank you Sir!


Can you please explain me the difference between app.module.ts and app-routing.module.ts?


Very good videos for beginners thanks for uploading. I have doudt how to pass a values to main appcomponent from logincomponent


am following nd doing what u r showing us and am getting the concept its all about managing modules at their level.. Q1. why create all these components? add, update, and delete.. can they be managed by one module... products? and coming from vb development ..they seem to be sooo many components? is this a design preference thing or its the way it's supposed to be? sorry if I seem not to get it


Hi sir,
I notice you are replying on my comment so I have one question (doubt) .
Sir I am building shopping website for final year project and requirement is I have to load first 6 products first and on scroll down I have to load another 6 and so on.
Slow can you please help me.

Or if you make video.


can u explain share module and use entire application, like popup module..


sir were are you from....? do you have a institute. will you provide real time project ....?.


Hi Sir, when I am trying to get the create-component data like 'localhost/view-product' in url, I am not getting the output and in console showing the error " Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'view-product'
Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'view-product' ".

plz help me sir


If I follow all angular videos.can I crack the interview with 3 years of experience sir... please share your idea


I cannot see the contents in any of the component page.But in console it is loaded..What may be the reason? Please help..I am a beginner


Can you please provide us this session notes?
