Azure Confidential VMs - The Power of the Public Cloud Meets Confidentiality of a Private Datacenter

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Tuesday, April 12, 2022 | 08:00AM – 9:00AM (PST, Redmond Time)

Azure Compute Webinar | Azure Confidential VMs - When the Power of the Public Cloud Meets the Confidentiality of Your Private Datacenter

Presenter(s): Eden Cohen

Azure's new AMD-based confidential VMs were designed for confidentiality not only between customers, but especially between customers and Azure itself. Thanks to state-of-the-art silicon technology, organizations can now keep their data private as they migrate to the cloud using the tools they want and the workloads they need. Join us for a deeper dive on how this works and what it means for you.

About Azure DCasv5/ECasv5-series confidential VMs​
Quickstart guide: deploying on the Azure Portal​
Frequently asked questions on Azure confidential VMs​
Product feedback / questions? ​

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