When Worlds Collide: The Beauty of Animal Odd Couples |Animal Adventures

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Wildlife biologist Liz Bonnin sets off on a worldwide journey of discovery to find out why animals of different species make friends with each other, and even fall in love.
Wildlife biologist Liz Bonnin goes on a journey of discovery to find out the science behind unusual interactions in the animal kingdom. Some of the surprising associations include a polar bear befriending huskies, a cat mothering ducklings, and an orangutan who keeps a pet dog. These odd pairings are not just limited to different species; animal relationships with humans are also explored, as people have been known to keep exotic pets such as lions, hippos and buffalos. Bonnin investigates the root of the affectionate connections and tries to uncover the reasons for the behaviours.
Some people have sought out unusual, and even potentially dangerous relationships, with some very surprising animals."

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*Omg that huge bear loving the big cats.It’s unbelievable. I am overwhelmed at the way these animals have made a family unit. Absolutely incredible*


A massive thank you to all the rescuers who helped to save these orphans and find ways of saving their lives by finding a companion. Bless you all. xxx


The bear, lion and tiger relationship is unreal! I love it!


Tiger, black bear, They probably felt insecure while so young and it bonded them. They comforted each other. It's so lovely to watch them.


I cannot explain how it makes me feel so grateful to people like you to care for these awesome animals


Liz, you need your own show! You have got to be one of the best reporters ever. I have watched you on PBS and now this. I could listen to you all day! Thank you for presenting us with this information! ♥️


I'm a grown- ass 30 year old man and here I am in literal tears over the deer and the great dane. It's stuff like this that makes you think that life CAN be beautiful and that stuff like this is what it's all about.


If I call my cat with a random name she doesn't react but if I call her by name she immediately starts purring. She approaches and displays nothing less than affection! She also sleeps during the day in the exact place I go bed so she must feel comfortable with my smell. She is old now so I'll soon miss this closeness. Animals are definitely capable of higher emotions.


I have watched this documentary multiple times and it never fails to amaze me. It is so well done and captures some beautiful and rarely seen relationships.


It's not actually a complex emotion... It's basic and its called love. They all live altogether as family, they eat, have fun, learn each of their characters and share their lives together everyday and every minute.. and of course they learned about love as family.


The most unexplained thing in here is that the Narrator also adopted all the animals around the world, you deserve more than that, thank you for the heart touching videos


Animals absolutely have feelings. From a mouse to a bull moose and everything in between and even many mammal friends in the waters.


Were the bear, the lion and the tiger all kept in the same basement as kids? That would explain, to my mind, why they get along. They are old war buddies, they’ve been through the same war, fighting on the same side. To see sunlight again. They were all lonely and they kept each other company, and they were the closest thing that any of them had to a friend. No outside influence to tell them that they were different, or couldn’t get along, or shouldn’t get along. Now they’re inseparable.


I can tell you with 100% certainty that animals feel all of the exact same feelings as we do, because I have witnessed it all at work for the last 14 years. The fact that anyone would be slightly surprised by that is mind-blowing.


The bear and tiger relationship is beautiful. And that tiger is stunning. I love cats, big and small... I have a cat - it's fascinating how they're like mini versions... like, the movement, the fur, the features... everything is the same, they're just a minature version. Beautiful.


Each and every one of these relationships is so very precious.


I'm seeing this kind of relating with the "feral" cats in my neighborhood. I feel them all and it seems to be that when they ALL know that there's plenty of food for ALL of them, there is no fighting or tension. They all want to hang out and get to know each other. Some even cuddle these these guys do. An argument for how devastating poverty and hunger are.


This is beautiful. When (especially) grown predators aren’t hungry or scared they get along and DO show emotions. ❤️


The Great Dane and the deer got me, I just started thinking about how one year one of them isn’t going to be there to greet the other, it’s sad.


This is in the top 5 of all documentaries I have ever watched. In the sciences, my field of interest is mathematics yet seeing these bundles of life create bonds and friendships was really cute. So much more to learn as always. Gotta luv mother nature
