A for apple,b for ball,c for Cat, Alphabets,A to Z, Alphabets for Hindi, phonics, phonics song,

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Hi Friends
Welcome to my youtube Channel a1 kids tv
A for Apple | a for apple
B for Bus | b for ball
C for Cat | c for car
D for Dog | d for dog
E for Elephant | e for egg
F for Fish | f for flag
G for Goat | g for gate
H for Hen | h for hat
I for Igloo | i for ice cream cart
J for Jack in the box | j for juice
K for Kangaroo | k for kite
L for Lion | l for lamp
M for Magnet | m for mango
N for Nest | n for nine
O for Orange | o for oven
P for Parrot | p for pigeon
Q for Quiver | q for question
R for Rocket | r for road roller
S for Ship | s for sun
T for Tree | t for tricycle
U for Unicycle | u for umbrella
V for Van | v for vase
W for Wheel | w for watch
X for Box | x for x-mas tree
Y for Yatch | y for yellow
Z for Zoo | z for zebra

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A For Apple B for Ball C for Cat | ABC Phonics Song With Image | Alphabets For Kids | ABCD Alphabets | A to Z | Nursery Rhymes for Child
Learning Alphabets Songs
#abcd #AforApple #BforBall #
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