Power in society: Who has it, how to get it, and how to use it well | Andy Wallace | TEDxWilsonPark

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Money doesn't buy freedom. Power buys freedom. Money without power is.. just money.


"Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough."



Everyone is born powerful, you are just conditioned by life events, maybe your parents & society to give away your power. To look at power like something you have to manipulate or force yourself upon others to get is what’s wrong with the society today, that leads to all the power games & struggles, suffering & wars. Keeping in mind that everyone is born powerful, all that is needed in life is to find your inner power, assume that power with integrity and respect each other as powerful beings. If you have good intentions and is in your character to be a leader, people will fallow your lead not because you are more powerful than them, but because you may be better in that than them since not everyone likes to or is good at leading. No matter how much money you have or how high in position you are in a job, if you disrespect another human being is gonna be a problem one way or another. What always worked in life is mutual respect, which means everyone respects each other’s power, whether be in marriages, in parents-children relationships, at work & everywhere in society.


the thing is . its human nature to always have power over others . if lets say everyone had equal power then basically no one has power . but i get what he is saying . its a mentality shift of the world . there is no scarcity of resources but rather a scarcity of understanding that there is scarcity of not using the power we have as human beings thats the power of thinking thoughts not as an individual but as a whole organism . we should look at this from a larger scale .

But still at the end of the day the reality of the world is that those with power will do anything they have to, to hold it and get dominion over the ones who are just drifting through life and are not thinking for themselves . You can either think for yourself or you can be their slaves . up to you .


I was a drug addict for 7 years, and I have realized that true freedom in our capitalist society is gained through having the money to lease that freedom.


He literally said nothing about obtaining power, like when I do a job my boss will want to work me as hard as possible and pay me as little as job while I would like to get paid as much as and work a reasonable amount. There's very little there mutualistic power, what do we do when our interests are diametrically opposed


one hundred percent W video. literally perfect for my research project


This sounds good and all but what do those with little to no power do when those that abuse the power are not willing to use power mutually?


This video is inspiring and very clear


i am shocked this video has only 649 views on 16 jan 2021


So to summarize: He doesn't really know what power is, but he's very familiar with virtue signaling.


Tbh most people don’t like their boss because they make them do work and not just sit there gossiping all day. How rude!
