Scientists are discovering insects are sentient! I Sped it up to fit shorts

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#insects #moths #silkworm #nature #sentient #bugs
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The question is not, 'Can they reason?' nor, 'Can they talk?' but rather, 'Can they suffer?'


I very much agree with you. Sometimes i'l handle wild spiders and bugs, and even from just that you can see that they have their own personalities. A couple of days ago I was handling a wild jumping spider- at first it was shy and wanted to get away, but I held it for a while and it took a moment to pause, looking around and examining what was going on. Then it looked at me and kinda just... settled down.

All living beings have sentience, they can feel. They have personalities and the ability to connect.

When you take the time to listen, pause and look around you, the earth will speak. You get to notice the small things, not just the bigger stuff ♥︎


I mean, they only just declared octopus sentient. It's gonna be a long time before these guys have a chance getting officially recognized


i keep sprickets (greenhouse camel crickets) and they absolutely have personalities and some kind of emotion. i can see their body language change when theyre calm, frightened, interested/excited, etc. they even form relationships of sorts, which change over time; sprickets that were stand off-ish upon introduction will eventually accept each other, often vibing together and gently waving their antennae in the air and on each other. when theyre agitated, their antennae wag about rapidly, and if theyre particularly cranky they may even stomp their feet with those absurd long legs at one another!

theyre a very unpopular bug, but they get a bad rap. its a shame, because theyre actually quite charismatic when you get to know them and observe them in a setting where they feel calm.


They did (edit: a study) in the 2000s that showed moth's retained memories from being a caterpillar. It wasnt conclusive on the extent of what they could remember and I don't know if it's been replicated. Still interesting preliminary findings.


Honestly love hearing other people say things like this. I love bugs and if you pay attention to multiple of the same type, like a common cricket from the grass, they all react differently from each other. They’re not just stupid animals, they’re intelligent and have feelings. Heck, wasps recognize faces! I look forward to the day where I can raise my own bugs and form bonds with them.


You can say the same about plants too.

Plant process information, communicate & help other surrounding plants.

They can even sense when they're being touched and react when harmed.


they actually can remember their life as caterpillars! there were studies done on that, not sure if it was only on butterflies or if moths were included but I assume it would also apply to moths either way


I used to hate bugs like these, but now watching your channel, i realize they are just silly creatures!! Love mothss <33


It’s crazy that people thought they couldn’t feel things just like they didn’t think babies needed to be put to sleep for fucking open-heart surgery until the 80s


People just need to be educated and take the time to stop and learn! Thank you for sharing all your work, news and videos!!


It’s all fun and games until you have an infestation, what am I supposed to do? Start charging the ants or the termites rent??


this video made me oddly emotional lol


I’m pretty sure bugs do have memory, I tried to pet one of the spiders in my room and that one runs away from me but the other 4 don’t,


All life enjoys being alive, and knowing who are your friends and enemies in nature is most necessary.


This is why, while I sometimes don’t have the choice in a rush, I like to TRY catching whatever bugs and spiders are in my apartment and taking them outside rather than kill them.
Moths are so damn gorgeous, and I love them all. Even the “boring” little brown guys, I’ll always save them from being harmed 🥹❤️
Knowing that a lot of moths, especially big ones like Luna moths, don’t live long in their moth form (because they have no mouth parts and only mate and die within a couple weeks) makes me so sad, because they’re so pretty, and I wish they stuck around much longer 😔💔


Absolutely, a tiny little moth got knocked down as I was filling up my chicken waterers, ( away from the chickens of course. ) and I swooped em up, he very quickly started marathon running up my arm with the most angry face I've ever seen, I quickly set him onto bark on a tree, I think he was mad at me LMAO


I heard something years ago that tests proved that catapillars do keep their memory through the pupating etc. ✨Science✨


The curiosity and way they engage with the world says it all— I really don’t like how we apply human standards to whether other beings think or feel, these insects are no different <3


Insects and other arthropods can feel pain and should have pain as mechanism to prevent injuries. Spiders and insects around me show complex emotions like love or friendship with best/or only friend. Death of one partner is commonly too much for the other one and can lead to deadly depression(that also common for most animals).
