The End Times: A New Perspective

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Although some people have heard about this understanding of Christian eschatology, many today have not, so it is new to many people out there. This is the case for postmillennialism, a more positive way to understand Christian eschatology.

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This is awesome!

You helped convert me after I lost my faith and became an atheist, having been raised as Jehovah's Witness.

I love your work.

God Bless you. Always!


I’ve never signed up for any patreon or locals content from anyone but I really believe it’s worth it to support this channel. Thanks for your work IP.


I am an Orthodox, and I was glad to hear what is almost exactly the perspective of our Church.


Eschatology is one of those topics that is very interesting and can suck you in to spend more time trying to figure it out and prepare for what you think is coming as opposed to staying on mission. In reality it seems that no one is sure of how the end times will play out. I appreciate toward the end of the video, you lay out that no matter what is coming, our mission on earth remains the same.


To quote the late Dr. Michael Heiser; "We often presume that the phrase “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” describes a Church taking on the onslaught of evil. But the word “against” is not present in the Greek. Translating the phrase without it gives it a completely different connotation: “the gates of hell will not withstand it.” (Search the Logo article; What Did Jesus Mean by “Gates of Hell”? for important context)

It is the Church that Jesus sees as the aggressor. He was declaring war on evil and death. Jesus would build His Church atop the gates of hell—He would bury them."

So to echo IP, even if the could theory is wrong, what are you waiting for? Let's focus more on the mark of the lamb, not the mark of the beast.


My heart goes out to all our brothers and sisters in Christ that suffered greatly for our Lord. What a terror it must have been under Nero. Praise be to Him who suffered and died for us. Grace and peace to you all.


For me personally, it is much more important to find out and do what I believe God wants me to do and be faithful to my task than trying to decide the overall strategy for the end times.


Hello @inspiringphilosophy, I'm a Ghanaian living in West Africa, Ghana. I have been watching your videos which helped make Christianity make more sense to me. Over here, we take too great of a literal interpretation of the Bible. I'm pushing to get your videos to be shown in my church. Thanks for helping my journey to christ. You are my best apologist.


Great video. I personally am a premillennial, However, it's great to listen to others and open to new understandings


Magnificent. I confess I was unwittingly in the premillenialist camp - I'd never even heard this interpretation. I thought all I had to look forward to was things getting worse and worse for myself and my children until I died, until some point in the far off future when Christ eventually returned in force. No wonder then that despair was always my besetting sin.

I'd never even considered this. This also partly answered my bitter question, "what the heck are we all here for if it's all going to fail in the end anyway until Christ finally comes back?" It never occurred to me to question the premise.

I think of all your videos so far sir, this may have affected me most profoundly. Happy Easter.


This video is awesome.

My dad has been post millennial for most of my life and I never got this kind of explanation. It's sad thinking about all the people who just give up and wait for the rapture.


This is a healthy approach to the end times! Thanks for this!

You just made me explore science and math and not just theology to be used for the glory of the Risen King!

No more fear! God has already won! Blessed be His Name! And thank God and you!


Last year I heard this interpretation for the first time in a bible-school. Being raised premillennial, I sat there with tears in my eyes. Because I was overwhelmed with all the beauty in this book and things finally clicked and made Sence.

Thank you for strengthen my faith further more with this teaching IP❤


After being a student of historical theology from the John MacArthur perspective, I have always assumed that I was a pre-millennialist. Just in the past few days, I have studied the two other views on this and have come to the idea that, through my last reading of the New Testament, I, in fact, never really understood biblical eschatology and never thought that I would. Only after exhaustively studying postmillennialism over the past few days has everything become almost crystal clear for me, and I intend to read the Old Testament for the first time and reread the New Testament with this new perspective. I have been a subscriber of yours for years and value your perspective very much. I rejoiced to hear what you have said in this video and am reignited in my faithful journey towards the truth! I believe that it will finally all make sense to me now! Thank you so much for posting this! You have truly inspired me! ❤️


This is wonderful; a rapidly expanding end times scenario that is consistent with ALL Scripture, from Genesis through Revelation. Thank you, IP!


Again, excellent work, IP! (LCMS here) I was Premillennial when I was a Pentecostal. Then became Amillennial. You didn’t convince me but this is by far the best explanation for Postmillennialism I have ever heard. Well thought out, reasonable and plenty of Scripture to wrestle with. This is without a doubt a viable Christian interpretation. I especially appreciated the concern about expecting Jesus to return to clobber His enemies. I have to think about that a lot more. Thank you. A blessed Easter to you and yours.


So I am attending college for a degree in apologetics. You have influenced me so much in the direction I want to go. Thanks for being part of the great commission. And influencing others.


I watched this about 4 times and I can't keep up and frankly I have no Idea what is going to happen so just keep doing his will, walk in the spirit, pray, read, believe, love and seek his face is all I can do. Thanks!


This really makes so much more sense in light of genesis and the entirety of scripture. Thanks for making this!


Nice! Going to check this out soon. Already know this is going to be fantastic.
