Nick Henderson, Asialink Business - Greater Bay Area, Made in China 2025 | Smarter Impact #025

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Dive deep into the Greater Bay Area (GBA) initiative, speaking with Nick Henderson, Director, China Practice at Asialink, regarding China's opening up and reform 2.0, Made in China 2025, a need to understand the opportunities and policies of the GBA, linking the value chains of cities including the Silicon Valley of Hardware that houses DJI, Tencent, Huawei Technologies & ZTE Corporation to the web of other capabilities.

Ultimately, the more we can understand the macro economic narratives, the policies, initiatives & funding, the better we can, as Australian businesses, get plugged into the opportunities.

What's on the cards for Australian manufacturing & folks such as AMTIL (The Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute Limited) in relation to Made in China 2025? Find out.

The evening included Andrew Whitford, Chair of AustCham Hong Kong’s GBA Committee, Danny Armstrong 安思崇, Managing Partner at ShineWing Australia, Louis Chiam, Partner at King & Wood Mallesons & Michele Clemens, COO of Wiise.

Thank you to Virginia Birrell, the Australia China Business Council team, ShineWing Australia & Asialink for the opportunity to bring you this interview and thanks for watching!

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