Why Dropping Out Of Computer Science In University CHANGED MY LIFE.

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This is why I dropped out of computer science in university. I speak about how the day in the life of a computer science student is NOT for me, and why I had to do something about it.

One thing I forgot to mention: I use to believe that everyone should learn how to code, but I no longer believe that due to my experience. Not everyone should code! Go into computer science if you have intrinsic motivation to succeed at it, don't go into it JUST for the money or because people are saying EVERYONE should learn to code. We still need doctors, lawyers, artists, etc. for the world to function.

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In short:
He hated Comp. Sci. & switched to Econ./Finance.


I’m currently a junior in computer science and hate it. Everyday I had a computer science lab, class, coding assignment or something related to it I just fantasized about dropping out and living off the grid. I stuck with it cause people kept saying it would get better and that I would begin to enjoy it and now I’m considering dropping out and going to trade school to become an electrician


This video is very well made! You need to make more videos like this


Same here. 3 semesters into comp sci and every day I woke up so sad and empty with no passion in me. I tried hard in my classes but still got mediocre (at best) grades because there just was no passion. Woke up one day, said NOPE NO THANKS and dropped all my classes. Currently trying to switch to Business to a major I know I should have done all along 😀 I know I needed to try comp sci to know that it’s just not for me, no regrets.


I felt like you were describing me.
I'm nearly finishing my first year in computer science and I didn't do well the whole year and I absolutely hate this major, I hate coding I hate the subjects I hate the major itself and I hate that I feel stupid and useless whenever I try to study and I fail.
I have a final exam tomorrow and I don't know what to do about it, but what I surely know that I'm not gonna waste any more time studying something I hate.
I really hope I could find something else to study.


Thanks you for this video. Im studying computer science now and i know how u felt. I feel very unmotivated, everything is unintresting, boring and very hard.


Attention y'all. He's right that you can't just do anything you decide is economical. Each of us have gifts. You can be sort of good at any subject, but you should not submit to peer or cultural pressure when deciding what to study. If your ears aren't perked, like he said, you will struggle with motivation no matter what, and will probably zone out, or things will just go over your head. Don't try and compete with people who actually like the subject. Do what you are good at and learn to apply it to many fields of work. You will create more opportunities for yourself that way.


Currently in 1st Year second semester doing Data Structures. I'm absolutely devastated. My mental health has gone down significantly


I feel this to a very high level. I fell in love with programming when I first started at this accelerated program offered in my community. It was fun and the people teaching it were cool. Fast forward, I’m at an university now and I’m unmotivated, bored and confused. I lost the confidence I once had and I dislike all of the competitiveness and arrogance of other CS majors. I’m a third year and I considering changing it to a Technology Information Management Major. I’m struggling to find what I want to do and not be broke😭.


failure is the most important part of life! anyone that says otherwise were too chicken to actually be daring and try something.


I completely skipped computer science degree and went straight to programming self taught. I absolutely love it! 😁


Hey Terren, I feel your pain almost exactly. I was one of those whiz kids in school (K-12) where I didn't even have to try very hard in class. I made A's, B's, and C's in everything I did while never having to study. I got to college without much real discipline in my academic life. You know going to college as a reckless young adult teenager is not always the best idea for a setting where you need to be super focused.

For me, I also majored in computer science, my first major though was accounting. I decided against it, and also decided against computer science, this was ultimately after spending 2 years in college. At the time I was just so overwhelmed and could not make it through college no matter what my major was, so I decided to drop out.

I recently enrolled in college again, but AGAIN dropped out for a second time.

I just can't seem to find any particular field interesting enough to put myself through the hell of college. I can not stand the teaching methodology of college and I'm not good with deadlines. I work best in the moment, figuring things out on my own with my own freedom, not in 3 hour lectures and note taking from textbook chapters & flash cards.

This is where you and I would split ways. I'm glad everything has worked out so well for you. For me, I think college is not my route to success, but I will find my peace eventually.


This is EXACTLY how I felt in my graduate program (pharmacy school). I recently dropped out after my first year. I felt so dead inside and didn't care about ANYTHING. You were lucky you got out of CS early.

Like you, I don't regret it since I've learned so much from the disaster of it not working out for me.

Ironically, I'm the reverse as you and changing TO computer science because I fell in love with it. I'm so excited for my first year in it. Everyone is fit for something different.


I feel you, I am in my second year of CS and absolutely regreted it already. I mean the materials and the texbooks are just rediculously difficult and I just hate it.. I'll be like reading two whole pages without understanding a word, and that is frustrating.
I hope it gets better for me..


I hope you guys enjoyed the video. I went on so many rants so I tried to condense the video as much as possible haha :)


Holy shit mate i felt so so alone dropping out and I related to EVERYTHING you said down to the t! I dropped out just today and I’ve gotta find a job to make ends meet but I don’t care because I’ll be a lot happier with all this time to actually find myself


Relatively similar situation. I’m a sophomore Math/Computer science double major right now, but it didn’t feel right. I love my math courses, but my computer science classes are a dread for me to go to. I somehow miraculously discovered that I love physics, and now I’m gonna switch to math/physics. Your video helped me know I’m making the right decision. Thanks!


I am currently dropping out of a degree in education and into computer science. I felt the same way about my education degree. I was 1 semester away from getting my education degree, but I hated it entirely.


This video deserves way more views, you speak a lot of truth and going into a career solely because of the economical viability can really mess with you in the long run. Only you yourself can and should be in charge of your future.


Thank you, for a moment i really started to think about death.
