Introduction to Clinical MRI Physics (part 3 of 3)

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Intended audience: radiology residents and fellows, medical students, or anyone who is interested in learning basic MRI physics conceptually. No complex equations or formulas.
0:00 - Intro
1:00 - 2D vs. 3D
8:27 - Matrix and Field of view
11:00 - Wrap around artifact
12:05 - Nyquist sampling rate and Undersampling
14:04 - Frequency undersampling artifact
17:34 - Phase undersampling artifact
21:08 - Pulse diagrams and basic parameters
23:57 - Gradient echo technique
31:31 - Inversion recovery technique
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for these videos. They have explained in ~2 hours what months of reading textbooks have failed to do! Great simple explanation of matrix size vs FOV!


The best class i ever had. Id recommend this to everyone to
understand the basics for a radiologist.


I don't know how but you made everything simple and straightforward. I really appreciate this video series and really want to share my thanks.


Thank you for these three videos. As a technologist learning about MRI physicists, I found out these series of videos are very helpful to understand the text books. I wished you could have made more video about MRA and MRV, follow compensation, chemical shifts, Dixon and sat bands. I understand you are a Radiologist but these video with illustrations are amazing.


this should reach to more radiographers for sure 👍


Truly magnificent. The visuals, the illustrations really did an amazing job bringing me up to speed. I know its a gross oversimplification, but for exam purposes it doesn’t get better than this. Let me know if you plan to cover anymore topics like MRI artifacts, MR QC/QA, contrast agents, etc. Great stuff!!


I can finally understand MRI much better especially matrix. I love the illustrations. Simple to understand although there are some confusions/hallucinations but I’ll just have to rewatch your videos again and supplement with books.


Best MRI physics EVER. You should expand the topics and build on those videos as is the best attempt to explain a rather complex topic that stops thousands of doctors to understand better that modality.


OMG The same Phase coding Techniques was used to study the ionosphere at Arecibo observatory which is no more unfortunately. You explain things very clearly honestly. I love your remarks are you still awake the fat in Iowa so hilarious you’re very funny and smart also a good teacher.


Thank you so much for your videos 🙏🏻 it helped understand all these topics that can be so difficult to understand. I appreciate your videos so much. I wish you had MRI contrast videos, or tips and tricks on how you memorized all of the MRI equitations and terminology!
Again thank you so much for you videos !


Thank you very much Dr. Wu! I was wondering for spin echo sequences I have often seen them diagramed with an additional frequency encoding gradient applied between the 90 degree and 180 degree pulses (in addition to at TE/readout), and I was wondering what the purpose of this was? I was assuming it was to correct inhomogeneity in the field and allow transverse magnetization to dephase if given with enough time prior to readout when it is applied again?

Also these are wonderful videos, I would love to see an additional lecture solely focused on MRI artifacts from you as you make these difficult concepts very easy to understand!


Simplified .. thank you very much.. helped a lot in understanding


Thank you for this! Very helpful!

Can you upload more? :D


thank you so much for the great explanation.


Hey, thanks again for another excellent video. I was relieved it was easier to understand than the excellent video 2. Now, I have this nagging question about slice, phase encoding, and frequency encoding gradients. WHO (or what machinery) generates these gradients? I know the MRI machine has the main powerful B0 coil for proton alignment and XYZ gradient coils for image generation and readout. But I see no coils or other generators for slice selection, frequency encoding, or phase encoding. Sorry for the newbie question...


I have a doubt regarding 180 degree pulse pancake flipping, you are showing an image that is not changing the phase of 45 degree spin by 180 to make it 225 but instead to 360 minus 45 which is 315. Why? How is it a 180 degree pulse then


Why taking a whole year to learn, while you can just watch this video lol


Eureka after so many years of struggle...


For to do the wavelet transform or Function Wave i am not requiere the complex number or Fourier series. Just I need the new methodoly I discovered.I left this video to compare:
