Top 15 Intamin Coasters in America

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These are the 15 best Intamin coasters in America, based on my experience.

Thanks to these channels:

Music in this video, as found in the YouTube Audio Library:
Intro music: Renegade Jubilee
Theme music: Black Vulture
Background music: Right Here Beside You
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I’m only 30 seconds in but I’m already mentally prepared for some seriously unpopular opinions haha *update* I personally agree with a ton of this


Mr. Airtime Thrills is killing it with these quizzes and rankings. Every single one of his recent videos have been bangers. Keep it up man!


As much as I want to see skyrush higher, I’m still glad you put it on this list.


For a second, when I saw Fahrenheit at 12, I didn't think Storm Runner would make it.

Seeing my favorite coaster all-time at 8 was very pleasing.


Funny, I just watched this same video on Coasterdash's channel! Jokes aside, great video! I also really love Superman the Ride.


Cheetah Hunt > Skyrush. Now THAT is an opinion right there, but hey respect it


I'm pretty happy with your placement of my baby, Storm Runner. Hersheypark is my home park and I feel Storm Runner doesn't always get the love it deserves. I am so hopeful they get it fixed and ready for the 2021 season because the day it opens I'll be there and I'm not getting off until they make me!!!


Thanks for the great and original content. I always enjoy seeing what you come up with next. I rode Superman at SFNE probably 100 times when I lived in MA (2000-2002) and it’s still my 2nd favorite coaster (behind Fury). I am going to visit this year and I’ve heard horror stories about how they “bricked” it which makes me sad but I’m glad I got to experience it when I did. Millennium Force is also underrated. People complain about the lack of airtime but the sustained speed and just the sheer memories of topping 300ft for the first time make it a ride I just can’t help but smiling when I come off of every time. Cedar Point just brings the magic and you can’t explain how or why. They just do.


Totally agree on Millennium Force, it is just so fun, same thing applies to the B&M gigas, they aren’t the most intense or have the best airtime, flying low to the ground at 90mph is just feels plain awesome.


This was a great video!! The quality of your videos are just getting better and better. Especially all the little things you do like putting the overall rank, number of rides and other stuff switching in the corner these are becoming my favourite part of the day. Yes favourite with a U. Canadian over here.


Kingda Ka's roughness is primarily at the end of the launch track. I believe this is caused by its launch track being so high off the ground compared to Top Thrill Dragster. Kingda Ka's launch track was built with a higher slope, to make the actual climb shorter, and allow trains that rolled back to be reset quicker. However, the launch track has no lateral bracing, and if you look closely in videos, you can see the whole track shake. On Top Thrill Dragster, because the supports are much shorter, they don't bend as much, so the track doesn't shake back and forth, making a smoother ride. I'm surprised that Intamin didn't add lateral bracing to Kingda Ka's launch track when they beefed up the structure to add Zumanjaro.


It’s just ridiculous to me how amazing the quality of your videos are!


thought this was a Sporcle quiz til I realized that it wasnt a Saturday


12:24 Man I love hagrids you know the thing


Another great video. Love the content. I think a top 10 "want to ride" of the international intamins would also be great.
My top 10 right now is:
10. SkyRush
9. Ride of Steel
8. Storm Runner
7. Xcelerator
6. Volcano: The Blast Coaster
5. I-305
4. Maverick
3. Millennium Force
2. El Toro
1. Top Thrill Dragster


It's nice to see someone speaking honestly about Cheetah Hunt - I wouldn't have even put it on here :) Really makes me wish I've ridden more of these on this list! I miss your videos so much man! Well done once again!


Wilderness Run is the obvious choice for #1


Hagrid's isn't a thrill machine but it's just pure fun and joy. It's the kind of ride you want to ride over and over again. I got two rides on it today and both were as amazing as the first time I rode it a few months ago.


Unpopular opinion: Intamin has a top-heavy portfolio...


Yay I'm so happy ride of steel clones were here. Superman Ride of Steel has the strongest airtime of any coaster I've ridden, and that includes rides like Maverick, Steel Vengeance, and Raging Bull. When that thing heats up in the summer, man it is so intense too
