MASS OF THE AGES: Episode 1 — Discover the Traditional Latin Mass

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After her husband dies, Kristine seeks refuge in Traditional Catholicism. An introduction to the Traditional Latin Mass with stunning visuals and an original score.

After releasing EPISODE 1 on August 15, 2021 the film went on to gain 1.4 Million views. This DIRECTOR'S CUT adds 4 minutes of new interviews with Michael Knowles, Dr. Scott Hahn, Bas Rutten, and Patrick Madrid as well as a NEW ending!

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I truly believe the edits and additions to part 1 makes it far superior to the original version of part 1.
I feel it’s so much easier to share it with ALL my Catholic friends and acquaintances, and my non-Catholic friends as well.
Job well done.


Since renouncing Freemasonry I’ve been under relentless spiritual attack. All of my personal and professional relationships evaporated and I’ve had to rebuild my life. The TLM is what restored my sanity.


Maybe the Novus Ordo Mass 'happened' so that the Modern Man, the present generation, could finally appreciate the beauty and sanctity of the Traditional Latin Mass. I think this is like the story of Job - God took away his riches then returned it tenfold. This is the time that it is happening - God is returning the richness of the Catholic Church, the Traditional Latin Mass, with more appreciation and attention than ever before. People who had not 'seen' but were willing to believe in the Traditional Latin Mass even if they were not born in its time is an absolute sign that God is returning the riches of this Tradition. I hope that I will see at last the return of this richness tenfold in my lifetime. Amen.


Why, I am in tears watching this? JESUS, may your name be Praised in all Tabernacles of the world.


I am now 66 years old. I received my First Holy Communion on May 14, 1966 at a traditional Latin Mass. I have never forgotten the date. It was perhaps the happiest day of my life. I now attend Novus Ordo, but only receive communion on the tongue. I would kneel except I am old and there is no communion rail. Please pray that I would find a TLM and return to the rite of my childhood. I live in Cincinnati. Jesus, I trust in you!


I’m 32, a Catholic living in Taiwan, my heart burns immediately after I watched episode 1 last year, so I began attending Latin mass as much as I can, receive our Lord on the tongue, went to the WYD in Portugal this year, and I’ve been learning to do the altar service ever since. Thank you for making the trilogy for the younger generations!


I saw part 1 when it first came out and loved it so much. Episode 2 made me angry when I realized how much has been stolen from us. I'm 53 now and having lived all my life with the novus ordo, joined my local TLM parish which is featured in this production; the rector is also my spiritual director! My experience of Christ and the Faith has deepened. It's what I've been missing all these decades. I now have such peace and joy! Deo Gratias!


I am a convert, and when I first walked into a Catholic church at 16, I was so disappointed. I was expecting the beauty and reverence I had seen in old movies, along with the breathtaking altars. I might as well have been in a Protestant church.

Thankfully, I found the traditional Mass years later and have never looked back


im Roman Catholic here in Malaysia even though Malaysia are majority are Islam, ...yet im very proud to be Catholic.... im grew with Novus Ordo in my entire life...i did know there was Traditional Latin Mass celabrate here in Kuala Lumpur until i discovered it... when i attend the was so calm and absolutely astonishing!!
there was just you And God... no disturbance like Novus Ordo...😊


I grew up with the Novus Ordo just like so many others in the comments... i found the TLM when I was 20, not long after my grandma passed away... she was the last really practicing Catholic in my family, and she always told me of the beauty the Church once had. I was having a crisis in my faith through her passing, and i started asking all the big questions about the church and Mass.... I found TLM and it all made sense.... I went once and I never left. I fell in love with it so much that now im applying to the seminary so I can celebrate the Mass of the Ages. Deo gratias.... the TLM truly saved my faith!


The first time I watched this film was when it officially premiered & I left a comment about how beautiful it is to see families living out the faith with reverence, and at that time I was praying so my family could see the beauty & thanks be to God now we are officially attending Latin mass🥺🤍


Attending my first Latin mass more then a year ago while here in college transformed my life. I was always fairly religious, but I was becoming a bit disillusioned with the Catholic church that I knew about. The hand clapping, contemporary music & etc that I was experiencing at my local mass (while not inherently sinful or evil) was simply not my cup of tea. At the very first TLM I attended, I had absolutely no idea what was going on the majority of the time. Nonetheless, listening to the chants & hymns, I felt like I heard the angels singing from the heavens. Seeing a full church (a rarity in Roman Catholic Churches these days), & seeing everyone actively partaking in the singing of the hymns, prayers, & etc was incredible. I experienced something so spiritually transforming that day that I still can't quite explain in clear words. I knew then & there that that was the Catholic Church my soul was craving. Since then, i've told everyone I know about the TLM, and I haven't looked back since!


My first Latin Mass was so beautiful so awesome, that I felt unworthy of being there, however, I’ve not stopped attending, it’s so reverent and majestic. Glory to God 🥰🙏❤️✝️


Thank you for making this amazing documentary available for free. My husband and I started going to Latin Mass after watching this documentary, especially episode 2.


This should be viewed in every Catholic parish, school, seminary and chancery...
and then implemented.


“What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church's faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place.”

— Pope Benedict XVI


❤❤❤the Latin Mass !So beautiful and reverent!


I was raised in the novus ordo.. at the age of 27 God showed me the way to the traditional mass. The first time there, I thought: wow, finally, I'm home. God, where have I been all this years? This was so beautiful. Greetings from Switzerland and thank you so much for this great upload!


Pray for my priest Father Rowe who had been kicked out of his own TLM church. He is such a holy man and DESERVES your prayers!!! please!❤


The new edit looks great. I like the additional cuts of Jordan Peterson, Scott Hahn, Harrison Butker, and Shia LaBeouf. I pray that this strikes a chord with as many souls as possible... Deo Gratias.
