MY MAKEUP INVENTORY 2022 📋 (how much has my collection grown in a year?)

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As 2022 comes to a close, it's time to take inventory of my makeup collection! I was also curious to compare my current numbers to my inventory at the end of 2021!

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⊛ eyeshadow: abh sultry palette
⊛ lip: kokie warm nude lip liner; covergirl honeyed bloom lipstick
⊛ sweater: tjmaxx


☁ FAQ ☁

⊛ Skin type? Combo/dry & acne prone
⊛ How old are you? 28





Hello and welcome! The goal of my channel is to influence you to use the makeup you have and to buy intentionally. I love reviewing new makeup, but even more than that I love finding creative ways to use up the makeup I have and maintaining a curated collection that inspires me. Subscribe for low-buy inspiration, project pans, shop my stash, reviews & more!



On my channel I try my best to only feature brands that don't test on animals. Here are my most trusted cruelty-free brand lists & resources:



This video is not sponsored. All opinions are my own. Any products received in PR are marked (*). Some links are referral and/or affiliate links.
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I started a "2 out, 1 in" type of project this last year. It helped me to actually finish things instead of keeping things that I thought I'd miss! I went from 11 empties last year to 57 this year. To be fair, many of these WERE just things I'd almost used up that I was saving that last bit of... it incentivized me to get over my mental block


I do a “controlled buy” with a budget. I brought in a lot of eye shadow and I’m ok with that, because it’s my favorite part of makeup. I was able to use up 65+ makeup products out of my inventory this year! I’m looking forward to trying to finish up some harder products in 2023.
I love your content and the relaxed atmosphere of your channel. Happy New Year!


Oh boy inventory is obscene, but I'm working on it and I do love having a bigger then most collection, however I do not need to keep buying. This year I bought significantly less and my goal for next year is to intentionally purchase only, with some no buy categories. Your collection is so curated and you truly use and love it, and that's so joyful to watch🥰


So interesting hearing your numbers. I am not an influencer, but I have way more in every category (except just one concealer and one foundation, those are so boring to me and I have good skin anyway). I track all my makeup so I know everything is being used over the year. I'm a huge minimalist in every other area of life but being a makeup maximalist brings me so much joy:) I always laugh when makeup influences say they don't wear makeup every day. It is so fun for me that no matter what I'm making time to play with it.


I'm a regular viewer but haven't commented before. I love inventory videos - it's fun to compare numbers. Anyhow, I really just wanted to compliment you on your eye look here. It's lovely.


My makeup preferences have changed overtime and through project panning my collection I realised which makeup categories and products I was able to use up organically before it expired. This created a guide for a reasonable makeup inventory for my lifestyle. Now I tend to just use up something in a category before I buy a new one. I found the only makeup product I couldn’t fully use up is eyeshadow and I also tend to have very sensitive eyes so I can’t keep them for longer than that. Now, I have about one or two palettes and have swapped them every couple of years or so. Which helps me experiment and trick my mind that I’m trying something new but not over consuming.

My makeup and skincare consumption has gotten under control. Can’t say the same for hair products and fashion 😳 one thing at a time I guess.


Also.. . Your inventory seems quite manageable especially for a beauty youtuber.
I don't have any numbers, but I've stopped subscription boxes for the most part. The only palettes I bought this year were the 6pans from flower. ...I think, lol
Happy new year to you, your man & the kitties!


I don't keep a makeup inventory, but I'm definitely always on some kind of low buy/no buy to keep myself in check. I also have a very small space where I keep my makeup, and everything has to fit in there, so that helps. lol 😊🌻


First off, i LOVE your hair with this amount of curl/wave. SEcondly I honstly can't believe how great your videos have become since you moved back out west. Not that they were bad before or mean your content and stuff is amazing! You are gong to grow girl!!!! Love all your stuff.


Love hearing the numbers!! It was nice to have side by side comparison photos too! Great touch.


Samantha march has a monthly palette use/ranking too Old & new.
Excited to see how you structure yours.
I have that kaja stack & it really is just easy & so pretty


I'm a one at a time mascara girl and what I do to stretch it out longer is close to that three month mark I will apply a clear mascara first then my regular mascara. After awhile, when that's not working well anymore then I start on a fresh tube.


I have too many lip glosses, but luckily, I can pan most of them in a hurry. And my first empty of the new year will probably be one, too.


New subscriber here and I’m loving your content. It’s really refreshing. I did a makeup inventory today after watching one of your old videos and it was eye-opening. I’ve definitely overspent in the past 2 years and have a backlog of items to use. I’m going to do a low-buy this year because there are some things that I use up much more frequently than others and don’t have backups (setting sprays, etc). I loved watching this video!!


A few of my categories got a little out of control this year 😬I wanted to find a better concealer, so I bought a few of those, even though I usually only have one or two at a time. And my highlighters are up by a few, but most of those were gifts, so I'm trying to not feel too bad about it. I'm thinking I need to do a product-specific no buy again in this coming year for both of those categories!


Sarah, I finally managed to watch most of your older videos and to get in the present!

2021 is my “worst” year when it comes to buying makeup - I wasn’t buying so much makeup not even I was still going to the office, before Covid.

For 2023 I don’t want to buy anything, but anything related to makeup, as I have too much for a regular person who works from home since 2020. And I want to also start my first project pan, using mostly my oldest makeup and I’ll see in time how it goes and if something needs to be changed (thank you for all the videos you posted in this matter ❤)

It was such a pleasure watching your journey in the last few months, I’m so glad that I found your channel and I can’t wait for your 2023 videos ❤


My collection got smaller, but it's mostly from declutters and throwing out expired product. I bought far less in 2022, and am doing an absolute no buy for at least the first six months of 2023. In the second half of the year I will replace things I use up, but only if I have four or less of that type of item, which is not likely to happen. I kept track of my empties for 2022, and I used 91 items, including sample sized products.


I really like how balanced your approach to makeup management is, how satisfied you are with your collection ☺️
Actually we have pretty similar numbers, but for single eyeshadows (I have a lot more, I love playing with them) and lip products (those I have way less cause I don't use them that much). Last year I finished 35 products and I'm happy with what I have. I'm on a no buy (or very low buy at least) not because of the money but because I want to fully enjoy what I have! I'm going to do the #23inmeno project, it's an italian one that helps you rotate through products, as my main issue is that I tend to use always the same stuff and end up neglecting the rest. Thanks for the video Sarah! 🥰


I think it is so interesting seeing so many people tracking their inventory that aren’t content creators. I kept track of everything skincare, body wash, makeup I used up to completion about 175 items (50 makeup/25 skincare) ans decluttered about 30 products. So I essentially used up and removed 200 products from my house this year. I’m pretty proud of that. Knowing just how many body washes and shampoos I use in a year helps me make more informed buying decisions. Also…how slow I use some makeup items. I’m talking about you eyeliner! Lol 😂


If you find you're not using your magnetic singles as much, you could pick one at random and create a whole look around that one shade.. that has really helped me lately..
