The sand crisis | The world is slowly running out of sand | Industry study

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The sand crisis | The world is slowly running out of sand | the Earth Is Running Out of Sand | Industry study #sandcrisis #industrystudy #businesshistory #industry
Hi, everyone! Welcome to the Business History channel! I am Kiron Kasbekar, and today I am going to talk about the sand crisis that has crept up on the world silently and insidiously, and which is digging the way towards big, big catastrophes around the world.

So we are going through one crisis after another.
But have you heard about the world sand crisis?
Sand crisis?

Why should there be a sand crisis? Isn’t there enough sand all over the world? On seashores and lake shores, along rivers, and in big and small deserts across the world?
With so much sand around the world, why do we need to worry about a sand crisis?
Well, we do.

It’s not a question of how much sand there is in the world. The question is what type of sand is available. And sand of the type that is used in many industrial applications, which we were accustomed to getting virtually free of cost, is becoming harder to find.

The situation has become so bad that it has led to a new crime wave.

There are ‘sand mafias’ in many parts of the world that have been mining sand illegally from river beds, heedless of the damage that does to the environment. These mafias have become very powerful and enjoy political patronage.

Kiron Kasbekar
Business History
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Very informative, especially that sand also has a quality.


This is fake i didn't send me code 0:00
