Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Husband Ryan is Worse Than We Thought…

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Husband Ryan is Worse Than We Thought…

#kyeluh #gypsyroseblanchard #gyspyrose
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Sorry for the echo in my past two videos 🫣 my mic audio has been messed up so I’ve had to use the audio from my camera but hopefully will be fixed next video!


The fact that the men who wrote to her, saw the story and pictures of a young and small severely abused girl who had to fight for her life, and decided they wanted a romantic/sexual relationship with her is CRAZY and I never really thought about that. Up until a few years ago the only pictures of Gypsy Rose looked like an adorable and severely sick 8 year old girl


Every time Ryan says he wants to love on Gypsy, I feel it’s so inappropriate and makes my skin crawl. Just disgusting.


I hate the way he spent the first episode grabbing at her. The second she’s out of jail, he’s grabbing at her body and talking about her body and it’s like my dude, she’s been out all of 10 minutes and you’re on camera, can you let her get acclimated to freedom?

She’s never had any bodily autonomy and freedom and the second she’s out of jail he’s grabbing at her. I can’t imagine how smothering and controlling that would feel.


the sleep apnea mask "joke" was so uncalled for and not funny at all.. why is he joking about giving her a medical device she doesn't need when he knows what her mother put her through..?


Imo, it feels like he's infantilzing her.


He’s literally the worst possible partner for an abuse victim. He’s controlling. A lot of predator vibes.


Ryan is off putting as hell and looks like live action Peter Griffin. Hard pass.


I’m glad you mentioned what these guys are attracted to, the young, sick looking girl from the headlines. That was my first thought and I was surprised no one really talks about that.


I had red flags waiving the size of a goddamn parachute when I found out he was a special Ed teacher.

I’m a special Ed teacher and we KNOW about emotional and intellectual stunting from trauma and abuse and the fact that he would enter into a relationship with a person of her background without her having INTENSIVE therapy and a whole hell of a lot of time to figure out who she is is just so suspect.

The way if he was my coworker I would keep him away from my kiddos cannot be understated.


The way he acted when she was on the phone made me so frustrated like she's not a child. She's been in prison. She can handle a phone call.


You can just tell this man has never been in a serious relationship


She needs serious therapy. Her reaction when the parole officer called was pure trauma. She just kept saying “sorry”. It’s not good.


Im kinda glad they were recording, imagine how much weirder he would be if they weren't.


Omg the scene of them in the hotel room RIGHT after she got released made my skin crawl! He was so creepy. Tbh if he was a real gentleman he would have got her a room for herself to give her space to relax and eat her first meal and sleep in a comfy bed by herself etc. NOT act like a dog in heat! He definitely is giving major red flags 🚩/ Creep Flags


Exactly! I’m not falling for this “aww geez I’m just a good guy looking out for her” gimmick. Seeing the show there are so many red flags, even little things like bringing her platform heels instead of walking shoes when she got out and being a literal creep rubbing all up on her instead of giving her at least a night to herself to relax and regroup. I’m glad she didn’t waste too much of her time and quickly left him, it’s not like he had her best interest in mind anyway


Ryan is an incel that preyed on an easy target.


also can we think about WHY all these men were chomping at the bits to "get with" a severely abused girl that conspired to kill her insanely abusive mom? that was in prison immediately after her abusive mom was dead so she never had a normal life? WHAT exactly about that story makes these men go "oh yeah i want HER!!" bc the only reason i can think of is that they want her bc shes 1: famous, and 2: clueless about (healthy, normal) relationships and thus VERY easy to take advantage of. and the way that ryan dude was IMMEDIATELY on her, idk. it makes me so incredibly uncomfortable. you KNOW hes not acting like a normal person around her. gives me the heebie jeebies.


Seeing Ryan treat her like this genuinely makes me so sad for her. So glad she’s out of that situation.


I agree. He made me cringe with all of the sexy talk and rubbing.
