What counts as a threat to the security of Canada in law?

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What counts as a threat to the security of Canada in law? Kristopher Kinsinger, National Director at Runnymede Society, speaks with National Post.
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Threats to the security of Canada does not include lawful advocacy, protest or dissent as per art.2 of CSIS ACT. It was a peaceful protest. An Ontario Supreme Court jugde declared the Freedom convoy legal. Trudeau must go.


Foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interest of Canada Would 3 Chinese Police Stations in Ontario fit that? 😡😡🤡


I witnessed the first Vancouver NHL hockey riot in 1994 ! The second Vancouver NHL riot in 1998 was even worst ! I saw a car on fire, garbage cans over turned, some on fire, store windows smashed, beer bottles thrown from passing cars by noisy hooligans and extreme noise . VERY DANGEROUS . In contrast to the Freedom Convoy, Bouncy Castles, BBQs , Hot Tubs, Street Sweeping, Passing Out Food, Patronizing small Business Owners to the point of paying back rent for some who were shut down because of COVID , and so much more C A McLean


I’m not buying a bouncy castle. Such a threat.


All that chicken s__t had to do was show his face and talk to the crowd and hear their grievances. He chose to go hide at the cottage!


Hurt feelings is a warrant of justification for Marshal Law acordong to Ottawa


The act needs amendments. There needs to be provisions where if it's abused, the p.m. & public safety minister be removed from office withinba certain amount of time.


The protesters were not terrorists 🤦🏽‍♂️


The Ottawa police and protest organizers had an agreement and were acting on it to clear residential areas of trucks. All was taking shape until the federal govt saw this and stopped it by blockading the trucks so they could use this as a reason for invocation. This has expressed by opp


In my opinion, the Liberal invoked the Emergency Act under false pretenses in order to suppress a political protest that caused them too much embarrassment.


Everything that hurts the ruling class's feelings.


They can't include Windsor and Coouts because they were cleared before the act was invoked.


All blockades had been removed by police, showing that they had the tools and support to do the job. With the blockades gone which freed up more support to deal with Ottawa. There was a deal on the table for the protest to be moved to areas outside of Ottawa and Trudeau and his Liberals knew this. So why did they invoke the emergency act? I truly believe it was so Trudeau and Freeland could get into people's personal back accounts to see how much money people had saved up. Trudeau and Freeland have been on the news talking about this before and now they had a chance to it. This way they could raise taxes again and they are tripling some taxes now. This is why they did it plain and simple.


An individual citizen when threatened can only defend themselves by using equal or only slightly more force and is accountable for doing so. What was happening during the protest was the escalation of the governments forces . Most of this was just people protesting and they were un armed going against a fully armored and weaponized masked group of enforcement. The broad wording of the act need a much more precise set of engagement rules along with equal consequences for evoking this act wrongly. What happened here was the equivalate of an individual making verbal threats to a person then the other person using the maximum force that could be mustered.


Serious violence is clearly defined in CSIS act. Freedom convoy was not violent in that way. Agreed by at least 2 police I've heard so far. OPS tried a new definition, but not legal term. Airy fairy term in my view.


What counts as a threat to the security of Canada in law? A winter-fest tailgate party apparently.


Are you sure that someone in support of trudeau didn't rewrite this part? When the Canadian bill of rights was available for viewing on the govt of Canada website, it had been rewritten to include the term "blockades " in its definition. Something that isn't in the actualscript


I find b interesting, "Foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interest of Canada" This could be interpreted in a lot of different ways eg...When ever a group marches in solidarity to another country, or can be as simple as using immigration as a tool for vote gathering. Could even be the ruling political parties decision to cut funding to the military for the purpose of self defense. Thank you for sharing this video


This guy is using old copies of each of these acts. They've all since been amended to include the clause - " did cause, or could be seen to cause, serious bruising to Justin Trudeau's ego."


Apparently to the Liberals peaceful truckers parking on a street leaving a lane open and having bouncy castles for the children is a security threat. Meanwhile illegal CCP police stations, CCP election meddling, and training CCP military on how western equipment works is not considered a security issue. What about the scientists thst worked at the biolab in Manitoba? What about the former director for CSIS Asia Pacific division stating thst they have been spying on Members of Parliament because the CCP has been in contact with members of our government at all levels for decades and still is? That is not a concern? What about our Department of Defense official who recently said we need to beef up our military significantly and in particular have more of a presence in our arctic territories? What about phasing out our energy resources and utilizing unsustainable battery powered technology which would make the majority of our infrastructure completely dependent upon the CCP? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Chinese people and their history and culture. Their philosophers are some of the greatest minds to ever grace the planet. Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu are two of my favorite philosophers and Confucius was also brilliant albeit in a more rigid legalistic sense. Every Chinese Canadian I have had the pleasure to meet has been friendly, hard working and devoted to family values. All the more reason we should protect the people who fled that authoritarian regime, not try to become an authoritarian regime just like it. Technocracy is a flawed political ideology and it will never work because human nature, and nature in general will never fit neatly and tidily into a box. For all we know with science is but a small sliver of the entirety of the mysteries of the universe and without knowing ourselves in truth, any system we try to pigeon hole people into in a broad generalized way will inevitably crack, crumble, falter and fail miserably
