Quick Tip 147 - Signature Painting

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A virtual student asks the question, "What is the proper way to sign a painting?" Art teacher Dianne Mize explains her take on that subject.
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This tip is very useful and interesting. It's a non-issue much discussed, but important. Congratulations on the video
Thank you very much.


Thanks, Dianne, I would only add a tip to your tip and that is - make sure your signature isn't obscured by the frame, since I've had to repaint my signature on more than one occasion because it was too low. So check the frame to make sure it's going to work.


I just read your bio ---- you are an inspiration!


Interesting tips but perhaps when signing in oils with a brush the letters need to be a bit larger. Those with a longer name will find it more difficult. Also if Framing your painting, make sure you leave sufficient margin for the depth of the frame. Before signing anything I would practice first and then lightly pencil mark the position of the proposed signature.


Excellent knowledge of signature and talking in so much of experience made me more cautious while I would paint now, but the signatures I do is very similar as guided by you. As very recently I did a live painting on canvas of size 66"x42" in acrylic colours on stage, in front of 1200 persons watching the show, while
India's top singer Mr. Anup Jalota was singing for 20 min. I would like to show the painting as I painted the song which was very popular and had a lot of meaning to it ....


Beautifully done, thanks. How an artist is professionally recognized? Is there a specific process, entity to be part of, etc.?


I appreciate your guidance but am puzzled by the fact that Claude Monet sometimes used his full name and sometimes not. Is this more the exception?


Diane I enjoy your teaching videos and like your 'teacher' style.
I've been signing my paintings with a fine indelible felt pen and putting the date on the back only. Does this sound okay to you?


My paintings tend to be very full, sometimes I found no place to put signature. I will then hide it somewhere (the color of signature is similar to the objects around it) as part of the painting. You will have to look for it, like hide and seek, kind of fun. Regarding date, I always do it for my formal ones. But then I have an idea. Some of my paintings are the idea/conceptual type. I have paintings with the idea conceived 30 yrs before. So I will put two dates. One is the original conceived date, one the completing date, to remind myself how lazy I have been. 😄


A friend who paints super nice watercolours signed his painting when he starts - the idea being the paint goes into the depression caused by the sharp hard pencil. I always thought that was cool ( if not seriously smarty pants) because his paintings always came out without any later cropping prior to framing.


I love this channel at the first time
Can you please tell me '63 on a painting means 1963 or 1863, or 1063? I'm always confused.
I have a paint signed RLG '63
Do you know him please?
Thank you


Didn’t Vincent put his signature near his subject at times?


Question... please show how to get the right consistency of oil paint to write with. I have a long name. The brush runs out and the letters are too fat. I want to do a script but keep reverting to printing. It looks very un-artustic. Can you help with that please? Thanks. Your video tips are great 👍


Can you tell me which pen or Marker is best for signature the acrylic painting I really wanted to knw m searching tht for a long time..


Dianne, What's your opinion on not signing your paintings at all. I write the date on the back with a pencil. I don't paint to sell my paintings, I do it just for the fun of painting.


I've noticed that many old masters signed with the red colour, why is that?


And how to add paint brush in my signature


What if your first and last name are LONG like mine?


I can’t put my full name, it has 17 letters. Seems way to long.


I agree that an artist's signature should remain consistent so that people can recognize it, but I recently made the decision to change my signature, and I'll tell you all why, It's because my signature was in cursive. I have switched to a very similar looking, but printed signature since watching my child go to school and learning a bit of hand writing and then never using again, my youngest child was never taught hand writing at all. Keyboarding has taken over. When they have children of their own one day, they won't be able to read cursive. I can foresee at time when nobody will be left that can read cursive, so now I print mine. Something to thing about.
