What Happened to Diluc? Why NO ONE Plays Him Anymore | Genshin Impact

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Diluc premiered as arguably the strongest character in Genshin Impact's initial roster. Over the past two years, his status has declined considerably in favor of not just other Pyro units but other characters in general. Today we're gonna talk about why that's the case in Why NO ONE Plays: Diluc.

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"Promo codes:
✅ Use the Promo Code RAIDRONDA to get a bunch of helpful stuff like a 3-day 100% XP boost, 500K Silver and 5 full Energy refills, 50 Auto battle x3. Available for ALL users: New and Old by February 28
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Multipliers and numbers aside, I feel Genshin did a really good job with his kit, whenever I use his moves I really feel the impact of hitting enemies which is really satisfying. He's not a bad character in many means, he's just got shadowed by better options. Also I think it's an honor for Diluc because whenever a new damage dealing character shows up everyone compares him to Diluc. That's how good he was at the game's initial release.


its crazy how the meta shifts so fast after 3 months of the game release,
i still remember people would re roll just to get diluc


The more I listen to you talking about his kit the more I thought that this was REALLY good character design.
One man army literally describes Diluc's personality. He works on his own. Lore wise? Extremely accurate


I got him VERY late. literally at AR 56. So I wasn't a part of the people that loved him so much back in 1.0
Nonetheless I built him, took him to 90 and gave him wolf's gravestone and honestly he's fun. Not the best DPS in the world but he gets the job done for a global release 5 star.


I really wish Hoyo would make a way to get 5* permanent banner characters through something like the Epitome Invocation - pick one legacy 5* from the permanent banner and then achieve some objectives to get them. They're the only characters in the game you can't get with any certainty. Every other 5* comes with a banner and the reruns periodically.

Would it be so bad to let us pull for a legacy 5*? I'll likely never get Tighnari or Diluc with the current system, and it's a shame because they're both great and there is literally no way to get them except to be lucky.


As someone who has him as their favorite character since the first scene he showed up, Diluc is the only character that made me use money in this game (a.k.a. his skin). I don’t care if he’s not meta anymore, I don’t care if I have Ayaka and Xiao as options. I just love him and I’ll storm Celestia with him!

(Also, for pyro dps, he 100% has my favorite playstyle)


"He was also the first and presently only character to receive a 5 star skin. That was over 2 years ago"

Video release: January 13th 2023
Diluc Skin release: July 13th 2022


Diluc is designed to perfection. Only his pyro infused ICD and scaling is his downfall.

His E cooldown is literally perfected to 3 attack in between. If you attack 3 times after each E, you will have his cooldown back again after the last 3 attack. So beautifully synergized.


As an early player I remember everyone and their mothers had diluc as their mains, him being on your account basically meant you have turned on the easy mode for genshin. Oh how the mighty have fallen.


One point, Keqing’s infusion still exists after switching out but you wouldn’t now since it’s really short.


Diluc Main here, since 1.0. I don't care how other dps do more damage than him. I find him extremely fun to play and he trounces everyone no problem. HHYV should give him a rework so he could keep up with the powercreep.


my diluc may do suboptimal damage but you'll only take him away from me the day i lie six feet under, he is comfortable, easy, and just so freaking fun to play, i also feel attached to his character because mondstadt is a very memorable story line and a good introduction to the world that makes an impact on you and makes you interested on finding out more about it, so i have a special place in my heart for the mondstadt archon quest characters


I got him very late despite playing for two years (in September 2022) and doesn't matter if he's weaker than other main DPS, I'm using him because I simply like his character. Yes, I have other main DPS who I enjoy a lot, like Itto, Xiao, Ayato, but there's something comforting when you have Diluc on your team. Can't say the same about Keqing tho, she never felt good to play to me. And she's C2...

He's simple and flashy, his voice is soothing and design is pretty, has just enough power to kill enemies fast but not enough to make fights boring and way too easy (at World lvl 8 the game feels like a joke with my crowned "better" 5 stars tbh). And we have so many godtier supports now (Yelan, Kazuha, Shogun, etc) that even B tier units can be a beast.

He's well-loved and well-designed character, no matter how many newer and more powerful units Hoyo will release, there will always be a place on my teams for him.


As a Diluc main, I’m crying at all the comments on this video. Im used to ppl saying super negative things about him and his character so much that I’ve dropped most social medias to avoid seeing those things, so reading all these wholesome comments under your video is like a real breath of fresh air. You should be proud of the community u built here.


Diluc will always be my main no matter. He was the one who got me into genshin in the first place lol. I got him last year around my birthday which was perfect. No matter what people say diluc will always be in my rain roster. Alongside zhongli and Raiden and now al Haitham


Idc what the meta is, my boy Diluc always has and always will be my main


I'm using Diluc, Nahida, Barbara and Kazuha team rn. After losing 5050 on Wanderer's banner I was happy because i got Diluc. His Burst animation is sick af + Huge damage and more. Tbh, he really is a good character


I had always wanted Diluc since the game came out and only JUST got him November of last year (even though i had a r2 WGS already). I don't regret it and actively play him. Him and Hutao are my pyro carries. Theyre just gonna have to get along. They coexist in perfect harmony under my account 😭😭😭


It should be “Why many people still play Diluc in the overworld.” I played him from early AR until now at AR60. He’s the fastest & most fun to use claymore DPS, but he has competition with Itto who I just got last banner. I don’t use him for spiral abyss floor 12, maybe when I get his C6 (I have C5 now 😅).
