I QUIT!! Funny reasons to quit your job #Shorts #Quitting #Work

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I QUIT: I Thought I'd Heard It All #Quit #QuitJob #QuitYourJob

As a professional ‘job quitter-counselor’, I've heard some truly extraordinary excuses for why people have decided to leave their jobs.

Here are some of the most ridiculous, (but arguably legit), reasons why candidates I spoke to quit their jobs in 2022;

The Snacks
I've heard some pretty wild excuses for quitting a job, but this one is.. ‘nuts’.
One candidate quit because he just couldn't handle the pressure of the office snack situation anymore. Essentially the office kitchen and pantry was inundated with snacks containing nuts, which made his morning tea and coffee run a life-or-death situation.

The Temperature
It's a truth universally acknowledged that office thermostats are always set to the wrong temperature.
One candidate in Singapore just couldn't take the arctic temperatures of the office anymore. According to her, it was like “working in a polar bear's house”. She tried wearing layers, but it just wasn't enough and ended up giving her boss the ‘cold shoulder’.

The Chair
Let's face it, not all office chairs are created equal.
One candidate ended up quitting because he was the last one to receive a brand new office chair.

I guess he could not ‘sit’ idly by any longer.

The Plants
It's a well-known fact that plants can improve air quality and boost morale.
Unless you suffer from an allergic reaction to them, in which case you will likely be looking for greener pastures (or not as the case may be).

The Tunes
Some people thrive on a steady stream of upbeat tunes, while others prefer a more peaceful workplace soundtrack.
One candidate decided to “tune out” and move on last year due to the manager's choice in music. Apparently, not everyone loves Ed Sheeran.
And finally…

Working From The Office
In 2022, it seemed like everyone was quitting their jobs left and right because they had to return to the office.
People were citing all sorts of ridiculous reasons for leaving their jobs, but the one thing that seemed to be the breaking point for everyone was the return to the traditional office.

Food for thought as you finalise your 2023 employee retention strategies!!

You are welcome and good luck
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