Hujaboy - Psyence Fiction ᴴᴰ

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On his 4th release with BMSS, Hujaboy explores the universe with a magnetizing psychedelic Full On track.
His signature rolling saw bass is as fat, full and funky as any lawless crunching space creature after a reckless dinner of dancefloor divas. Vivid animated synths, both mysterious and fictional open up a winding path down which menacing thumping rhythms stomp clear and unhindered! Mysteriously fictional melodies flesh out your feverish dreams with psychedelic fiction!
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BMSS Records is a European record label focusing on the whole spectrum of the Psychedelic Trance bubble. With an experience and involvement in the scene since the mid nineties you can be certain of quality artists and releases. #keepingitholistic #bmssrecords