Oauth2.0: Spring boot Login with Google/GitHub | With Custom Register And Login
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Hello everyone , hope that you all are doing well ?
In this video we will discuss how you can apply Oauth2.0 in your projects and Authorize your application User Using Google and Github. Also providing access to Use Custom Registration and Login where your details will be stored in the database used for the application . A Simple and a brief example covered in this video.
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In this video we will discuss how you can apply Oauth2.0 in your projects and Authorize your application User Using Google and Github. Also providing access to Use Custom Registration and Login where your details will be stored in the database used for the application . A Simple and a brief example covered in this video.
Hope that you people like the video , it takes a lot of efforts to Oversimplify the Topics and represent on the video . Hoping that my Channel gets your support .
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Thank You . Happy Learning .
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