How Many Servings of Vegetables Should You Really Eat Per Day?

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Did you know eating your vegetables is important.

Seriously though not only are they nutritious, they may also offer protection against various diseases, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even certain types of cancers.

In this video we're looking at how many servings of vegetables you should eat each day to get the maximum benefits.

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I blend whole veggies, not juice. So I’m getting all the nutrients 😁


From my own googling research, the actual 'healthy' amount of vegetables is +750g PER DAY!
- That's what the Japanese healthy Okinawa people consume.

The 5-Portions Day, ~ 375g, is just a minimal guideline for people, as the government thinks it's impossible to tell people to eat 10 or 12 portions a day. Something is better than nothing :)


Thank you for stating Type 2 diabetes.


What is the liquid yield of juiced recommended helping or portion ?


Do we have to measure each ml to get to a cup ?


Ok but what about garlic? And onion? Really good for you, but I never eat them in that high of amounts


I hate the term serving what does it even mean just tell me how much in weight


Can you please make a video on why my stomach makes continuous growls even when I'm not hungry? I know a little bit is normal, but these noises are happening everyday almost all day


I think the best part about eating vegetables is that you can eat a huge quantity and not have a lot of calories. They provide lots of water too. And they taste good. I like buying the 12 oz frozen bags from either publix, walmart, or aldi, and I take that for lunch, I just pop in the microwave for 5 minutes or so then dump in a bowl and add some pepper. Super tasty, low sodium, and I am FULL until I get home. When I get home I have a swig of pom juice and orange juice and eat about 4 pickled okra as a snack. Then for supper I drain a 12.5 oz can of chicken with rib meat, and add it to between a 14 oz bag to 20 oz (1lb 4oz) bag of stir fry type vegetables and cook in the skillet with about a tablespoon of olive oil and between 2-4 tblsp of mirin and 2-4 tblsp of less sodium soy sauce. I should prolly still cut back on the soy sauce, but I am eating way less sodium throughout the day now since eating veggies for filler. I have been drinking mostly water throughout the day, I do crave a soda and if I do get one it is a diet soda, but I haven't had one in about 4 days. I save alcohol for the weekends and limit it, to try to be no more than a 6 pack ( I was drinking over 20 drinks a week and could easily drink more). Also, the salt substitute, potassium chloride I believe, is really good in cooked dishes, especially if you add a bit of soy sauce/worcestershire sauce. It helps to get to the salty level you may prefer without actually adding sodium and it is a super easy way to add potassium to your diet. Potassium is really hard to actually get the full amount of. I also have an actual bowl of cereal (follow the serving size on the box with cereal, I use 2% milk) and maybe a bag of popcorn for a snack. And sometimes I eat another microwave bag of veggies as a snack too. I don't think I am eating . I just added everything up and it came out to be 990 calories, and I am full, today I haven't even had the popcorn yet and I would be happy without it. So if you are trying to lose weight, I suggest eating veggies without salad dressing. They taste delicious! Get it out of your head that veggies are gross they are not!


I am concerning about the sugar amount in the veg. I personally love veg, but the sugar in veg, such as carrots, onion, and corns, always scared me. Is it something i should worry about?


How can you measure weight in volume and servings it’s so dumb


I love videos that report well designed studies and that are very thorough. I've been wondering why isn't there any videos on your chanel about veganism. There is growing evidence on this diet and more and more RCT's studies on the topic. The position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic is in favor and also very clear on this type of diet. I'm just wondering why it hasn't come up in the videos.


3 people don't like their vegies.


I’m so confused
I read crucfierous causes thyroid

Too much vitamin a post accutane

I feel like I can’t eat any veggies now


very interesting video ;) would love to see more like this! :P


Well if potatoes aren’t a veg then the Irish are in trouble!!!


OZ to ML in leafy vegetables doesnt make any sense to me


Should you eat all the colors of both fruits and vegetables each day?


For people who don't give a damn fack for this too complicated answer, here is the short and easy answer:

it's 800 gram of vegies and fruits daily


Whole lotta yapping for a whole lotta nothing
