minelab go find 66 review and my honest opinion. beach detecting uk

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today i was testing my birthday present from my wife. the minelab go find 66 metal detector. this is my honest opinion .i have to say this detector pack's a punch for it's price. and is an ideal for anyone looking to take up the hobby of metal detecting its also a great detector for children. i got a great deal from leisure promotion's and very quick delivery. so big thank you to peter turrell for that.

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I have the go find 66, I never did use the app on it, only used the metal detector itself, far as im concerned it IS more than capable of finding expensive rings and other jewelry, to date ive found EXACTLY 41 different types of jewelry with the go find 66, most them being rings of various types, few necklaces broaches ect. Plus it finds coins very well, fortunately here in australia we are blessed to have the australian $1 and $2 gold coloured coins and we find many of them *EVIL GRIN* :)


Happy birthday and I'm glad to hear your wife is so sweet that was awesome of her God bless you both press I hope you find many Treasures


Bought as I’m on the bones of my arse, sick and unemployed, brand fire new to the exclusive game. Thank you for the review it helped loads.


Thanks dude 😊 brilliant wording and easy to follow.
Ive never done this but so keen and going to buy one now, It is alot of money for a beginner so your vids are very highly appreciated


I've had the go find 40 for a few years, I also have an xtera, but I just keep finding the little 40 in my hand . . It's just so convenent, pop it in the backpack and away you go! Just love the portability, and it's actually decent but of kit. Thanks for sharing you're 66!


Hello I had one as my first detector. It is what it is. Simple detecting. It was fun on the dry sand at the beach but it there was a lot of trash it was noisy. Good portability and a choice for someone who wants to do basic detecting.


great video im in australia and i find everything from crap to gold rings cant fault it cheap and neat will upgrade 1 day but now im happy to use it wife loves using it as she said its easy and tells u what u found thanks again keep adding more trips thanks


I had the go find 60, unfortunately it got stolen 😢 but I found some great things, lots of coins and a nice ring on the beach and woodlands, I loved how portable & easy to use it was, wanna get back into it soon so researching new detectors.


Thank you for demonstration! I still wait for authorization but can't wait to use it on the beaches.


I have it....it's portability is the best....you have the right idea about being out working or whatever and having it available for a hunt


It’s a great little machine to keep in the boot of the car mine lives in the car, come summertime if your near a beach takes 20 seconds to set it up a quick hour before going home to get the metal detecting fix and your getting gloves and a bag so that’s as good as getting an extra £50 knocked off the price and the 10% discount it’s a win win


Me and my son have the go find 60 great for beach hunting we found £7 and a silver ring on the weekend over the moon Great not the best on wet sand but will still work on the wet just nock the sensitivity down a notch. 👍


Great thanks and belated happy birthday from Sunny Australia. Just the review I was looking for I was going to purchase this for my daughters who are the chief diggers at the beach when we go detecting.


Happy Birthday Steve. 🎂🎁🍻. For an entry level it looks like a nice little machine.
A convenient size too. 🙂👍🏻


I found a woman's diamond ring 1 carat marquise cut a few months ago with the my go find 44 and using a pinpointer isn't cheating it's a major time saver good hunting friend!!


Steve, I purchased my Mindlab GO FIND 66 back in Dec. 2020 and so far I'm trying to get used to it. I'm Very New to this Hobby. I came across your channel and like your content and presentation.
Keep up the good job and we'll see ya out on the hunt. My "Morgan's" came from Wales, Cardiff. Cheers


oh glad you gave us demo. my two 11 year olds want one. looks ok what I see. 🙂👍


Hello Steve, it's an entery level like you said, and a great idea taking it with you to work just in case, happy birthday for boxing day mate, take care brother ATB Jim TEAM NOX and go find 66 LOL 👍😁🍺🍺


Looks good Steve, especially how portable it is. Happy birthday for yesterday.


Happy birthday Steve looks a handy enough MD good for kids might get them interested in MD which is always a good thing 👍👍😀
