__new__ vs __init__ in Python
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What's __new__ and what's the difference vs. __init__?
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What's the difference between the "__new__" and "__init__" magic methods in Python? New is for object creation, and init is for object initialization. It is rare that a programmer would actually need to override new, so let's see some examples of how it can be used.
Top patrons and donors: Laura M, Jameson, John Martin, Dragos C, Vahnekie, Pieter G, Sigmanificient, Casey G
0:00 Intro
0:50 New vs init
2:51 Main purpose, subclassing immutable types
5:03 Singleton example
6:35 Client caching example
7:58 Encrypted file example
10:33 Metaclasses
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What's the difference between the "__new__" and "__init__" magic methods in Python? New is for object creation, and init is for object initialization. It is rare that a programmer would actually need to override new, so let's see some examples of how it can be used.
Top patrons and donors: Laura M, Jameson, John Martin, Dragos C, Vahnekie, Pieter G, Sigmanificient, Casey G
0:00 Intro
0:50 New vs init
2:51 Main purpose, subclassing immutable types
5:03 Singleton example
6:35 Client caching example
7:58 Encrypted file example
10:33 Metaclasses
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