More Veneering Tips!

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So much info packed into 23 min. I'm a new subscriber, Have watched several of your info packed vids, The time spent watching your vids, FAR surpasses any other vids for acquiring new techniques in such a short amount of time. really dig the format !! Thank You Ramon Valdez !


I have a 3/4" laminate shelf board with grooves as a bottom platen, but it tends to bow under vacuum pressure and of course translates into my veneer panel. It looks like you don't have that problem, do you have any tips on avoiding this problem? I think a matching top platen or clamping the bottom platen down is my only choice, yes?


85 cent roller??? is this guy Canadian....??? hahah whats with the obsession over a silly roller? TOSS IT, GET A NEW ONE. HELLO?


I would have give you 2thumbs up if I could😎. Great presentation. I learned a lot on this video. Thanks much😍


A lot of small learning points that I hope will smooth my own project journeys Ramon. THanks for sharing. Your videos are a testament to the quality of content mattering more than facy production value and big intro's etc. A shame the youtube Algorithm is designed to reward clickbait and foolishness (Highly suggest you watcb Stumpy Nubs videos on why he changed his content, removed some and produces titles and thumbnails he thinks are a waste for the interests of viewers... was a real eye opener to me).


Nice Work! What is your opinion of self adhesive veneer? I'm a rookie and I used it once. It seemed to work great. I used my wives iron on top to get the adhesive to stick even better, sort of getting it to soak into the substrate, (I think anyway). My only concern is if 10 years from now the adhesive fails and the veneer starts coming loose.


what kind of glue is best for repair cracks in leafs? BTW this video open my eyes for new oportunites in woodworking :)


Another great video thanks. I’m about to dive into veneering. The scraper you used it looks familiar who makes them


Next veneer tip video please add how to store larger pieces of veneer. I imagine I need to roll them up since that is how they were shipped to me, and I need to roll them back up without cracking! 😅


Excellent video. I appreciate that there are many right ways to do things (and I veneer slightly differently) but this video is a masterclass for any newcomers to veneering.

Here in the UK, one big furniture retailer has, as its main slogan “no veneer in here”. That is apparently supposed to be a key selling point. Well, veneering is actually better than solid wood in many cases. It’s main advantage to me is that I can produce highly figured pieces without using a solid slab of highly figured timber; it’s good for cost but it’s also good for making the most out of those precious timbers.

I must admit to generally using veneer tape - that’s just how I was shown how to do it years ago. I also tend to use Titebond Extend because of the longer open time - I absolutely hate rushing the process of putting into the bag, making sure it all looks good - and leave over night to cure.

I haven’t yet got to your other videos on veneers (don’t know why they didn’t pop up as I subscribed a long time ago) but making your own veneer is not hard. I use a fresh blade (wide as you can go and as finer teeth as possible) on my bandsaw, check the tuning of the rollers and attach an tall auxiliary fence plus feather boards. I don’t try this on boards taller than, say, 200mm if a really hardwood but go upto, 250mm for a softer hardwood. Go slowly and you can produce really good veneer. The taller the board, the thicker I make my veneer - 2mm?. For narrower boards, less than 1mm is possible. If I need to, I run the thicker veneer through my sander.

I think you said that you use the table saw to edge the veneers? I would have hesitated to do that but am going to try it on some cheaper veneer. I overlap the 2 edges to be matched and fox down with some masking tape. You could actually cut a wavy line but I use a rule and cut through both edges at once. The advantage of this method is that, if your knife is not held at exactly 90 degrees, it doesn’t matter and it’s even better if it’s not because you have matched the angle of cut on the top veneer to the angle of cut on the bottom veneer. Cutting at, say, 60 degrees, does give a wider surface area for the adhesive.

As I said, lots of right ways to do this. As with most things, it’s practice and you will evolve the method that most suits you


Where do you source bundles of veneer like that? I've not been able to find these entire flitches of veneer from logs.


***please help***. I am doing a kitchen remodel and do not want to mess up as the cabinets are very expensive. I want to use some veneer and have a question.

I have cabinet skins to make the 96" pantry cabinet sides flush with the front. However, the skins are not sufficiently thick to make it flush. I would like to buy a piece of inexpensive veneer and put it between the skin and the cabinet side so it will be closer to being flush. I plan to use 3M High Strength 90 between the layers. Do you think this would work? Should I finish the veneer or leave it unfinished. If finishing it, what type of finish would you recommend? Oil based or water based?
Do you think think 3M 90 is a good product to use with the veneer? Thanks for any advice.


Thanks for the vids, could HDPE or UHMW plastic sheets be used to sandwich the layers?


You've produced another winner, Ramon. There are so many tips in this one and I'll be working on a veneered project soon so I will try out some of your ideas. I have been using veneer tape with good success but I like your idea of gluing the veneer pieces together before I apply it to the substrate. I also need to look for some freezer paper and I may try your little windows with the tape as well. Thanks my friend.


Great Video! Excellent techniques, you have a very inventive mind. I have been veneering for years using the "normal" techniques that you find in all the books and, since adopting you techniques for trimming and taping, I have the best seams ever, pretty well much invisible, with no worries of errors or seams opening up. And the techniques have reduced the amount of time I spend trimming and taping! In addition to the taping the rest of the video is very informative even parts that you don't speak about. I am going to put snaps on my bag. That will help when I get those large projects where the glue up can get a bit frantic due to the open time limit of glue. Thanks!


Your videos always impress. Amazing knowledge and workmanship are on another level. Thanks for sharing.


Just stumbled across your channel - absolutely fantastic! Great content and production - you are a gifted teacher. I'm now hooked on learning from your experience. Thank you for the inspiration.


Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video! A lot of practical information here!


It is wonderful that you share your wisdom and craftsmanship with the rest of us. Imam learning so much. Thank you.


For sure 1 of the best veneering videos I’ve watched. I’m a beginner but this is very informative.
