How I Manifested winning the lottery

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Greetings. I am Shelly Sullivan a Spiritual Transformation Coach. Many excited changes happening in our Universe and the "New Earth. Stay informed, enlightened and in the NOW.

Registered Holistic Nutritionist/Yoga Teacher/Personal Trainer/Manifestation,Creative visualization

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I believe and felt I was going to win and I imagined it and it happen I did not win a million but won 250.000


If you're readin' this, I wish you a healthy, wealthy & successful life!! ♥️🌎🌍🌍♥️


Just won $1000 thank you God for all of your blessings


The crazy thing is that after watching your video i manifested winning the lottery. I ended up winning 25k in 2/ 2013 and at the time i forgot about watching your video. Today is 01/2018 exactly 5 years and i found your video again. I am also in the same energetic state and i know something good is on its way. Thanks for sharing your experience...


I don't care what anyone has to say... I feel rich, therefore I AM rich.. the rest will follow


Dear god i just want to buy house and help my family living comfortable life.


"Lucky people aren't lucky, they create.."Inspiring. Thank you


I just want a house for me and my three boys.


Why do people come on here with such negativity? If you don't believe in the Law of Attraction why do a search about the Law of Attraction (manifestation of money, good luck, health, getting a job, etc). And if you do not believe in something of course it will NEVER WORK, that is common sense. I just wish the negative nanny's would just go away- GO TO THE "HOW TO BE AND STAY NEGATIVE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND NEVER ATTAIN ANYTHING" pages. Rich people believed that one day they would be rich, even after failing a few times, they still did not give up. You can apply this to all successful people. I have never met a successful person that said, "I never believed that I would ever be successful, rich or famous, etc" and ended up successful, rich or famous. Just saying... For those of you out there that believe, never give up but know it takes action as well. BELIEVE + FAITH +ACTION= SUCCESS.


i just want to win the lottery so i can get off the grid live off solar energy build my own garden to live off and fish and meditate near the mountain side. that is all i want. to be free from this slave system of repetitive work and sleep work and sleep . oh and eat....and back to work.


I am going to win the lottery and buy my mom her dream house and retire her from working and repay her for being an amazing single mother for me. I will continue working to contribute more constant income while she enjoys life. I’m so excited!!!! It’s right around the corner 💗


I am happy
I am abundant
I am prosperous
I am a multi-millionaire
I am healthy
I have positive healthy relationships in my life
7/30/2019 and for the rest of my life I am blessed🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 so mote it be, with no harm to none.


So glad I found this video...this was a wonderful experience for you...I just won 8, 250 on Friday and I knew I was gonna win...i just kept asking the Universe for 10 grand and boom there it was...the first 2 numbers on your ticket is my mom's birthday 04 22...Wow that spoke volumes to million dollar ticket is coming next... Thank you


I am a walking testament to her beliefs. I as well ask the universe to let me win and sure enough I do! I look up at the clouds and I speak to the universe, already feeling this overwhelming energy within me as if I already have won.


Your energy is wider than the Universe. Thank you for your vibration. We went from government assistance to wealth using these principals.


This is true ! I manifested myself driving up my dream house road and one day I got a call to meet someone and they sent me the address so I went driving to find out that I was driving up the road I was manifesting for 2 weeks . It was a great experience and beautiful moment !!


Thank you for sharing your story. You have good and clear energy all around you. As for me, 7 years ago I did a fast and set an intention to it so that I could maintain my fast. I told the universe that I'd like to hit the 'Lotto' in order to help my 'baby brother'. I forgot all about it and went along with my fast. Well on day 11 of the fast my baby brother hit the lotto. The universe heard 'Lotto' and 'baby brother' and that was all that needed to happen.


She is right the power of thought, believing, positive thinking and not letting any doubt come into your mind is how you can make things happen.


I’m going to win the Mega Millions soon keeping my faith in GOD🙏🏾


Inspiring Story. I'm from Lagos West Africa in 1997 I wanted to relocate to thd United States with my wife and daughter and son so badly. I'll seat in seclusion for hours sometimes days just seeing myself living in U.S. happily with my family. Within some months my wife won the Visa lottery and we've been lives in Atlanta for the past 18 very happy. There is a Divine presence in us all and undiluted Love is it's number one fuel.
