MED Virtual Dialogue with Mohammad Javad Zarif, Minister Of Foreign Affairs, Iran 06.07.2020

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In conversation with Paolo Magri, ISPI

Mohammad Javad Zarif has been Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran since 2013. He earned his PhD in International Law and Politics from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1988. He has many years of experience in different posts at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mohammad Javad Zarif was the Deputy Minister for Legal and International Affairs for ten years. He was also the Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations in New York for five years. He has held various and important international positions, such as Chairman of the Sixth (Legal) Committee of the 47th United Nations General Assembly, Chairman of the UNESCO Cultural Commission, Vice-President of the United Nations General Assembly, Chairman of the United Nations Disarmament Commission and Chairman of Political Committee of the 12th Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Durban.
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Dear Iranian people I thank you for your courage and strength for your sovereignty. So admirable to be your national.if I was from the same country I could swear to die fighting for my country Iran. Please keep it up.if it would be possible I would change my nationality to some of countries like IRAN, RUSSIA, UAE, CHINA AND EUROPE. any chance I will. Mashallah and I would always be there for my country and shaping it for the betterness of all people and everything in it.


Such balanced and thoughtful responses by Dr Zarif. He is a credit to his country.


Viva italia and it is beautiful people.


One of the most intelligent FM of the world


Dear European Union,
Don't let yourselves to be a vassal state of the United States. Not for Iran's sake but for the sake of Europe herself!
If the US dictates your policy for Iran, the US will also dictate your policy for Russia, China and the rest of the world.
Europe with her great past and power should set her own policies and destiny and not by the US or any other state.
All else is treason.


I’m so proud of the Iranian foreign minister Dr. Zarif. Iranians are such warriors and I wish them all the best dealing with the bullying USA.


This bullying of USA must stop. long live IRAN


Italy will be joining the belt and road initiative.


It never surprises me any more to watch gatherings like this that always take place in Europe or the US planned a d attended by the westerners, be it the participants, members of think tank and the press. It is a shrade to milk non-aligned countries, in particular, of information to simply correct their filthy strategies of death and destruction from the self labled 'civilized', democratic, freedom loving and 'human rights committed' which is a load of horse $#@% of undeserved tiles at the best. Let's examine each one:
Civilized Europe: you would think Europe has learned its lessons after WWII through an uncivilized and horrific war. Not the case at all! They just jumped on their victory and applied their barbarism on other countries. France imposed its colonial barbarism in Algeria and other African nations. Britain did not let go with its colonies and played a different game for oil in the middle east. Albeit all tainted with blood.

Democracy: This is a falacy in the entire Western world. When I was in Europe just before the last US invasion of Iraq, I never met a European that was not stunchly againt invasion. Yet, their governments not only objected to the invasion on shear lies but actually participated in it a major way against their populations will. Here in the US it was no different. Iraq was was an example but democracy here is summarized by voting once every four years to candidates who could not attain their positions without billions of dollars spend by special interest and the bought out press to pump them up through a charade to look like democracy at works. It just gets more interesting our 'Democracy' is limited to only two parties. There is no other viable choices.
The citizens of the west are dipped to think they have democracy, that is the harsh reality. There are far too many more examples but this space is limited.

Freedom loving and human rights: The Western world could not be further from the truth on this. Racism in built in American DNA and Europeans alike and it is not just in the past, it continues as I write. It is not only against blacks, but any man that isn't white European. France has a long history in racism against Arabs and North Africans and blacks. UK's involvement in slavery and continued racism in the Empire is not hidden from anyone. In fact, the British are the hallmark of world racism. The US, inherited racism legacy from British past and expanded it to an unbelievable heights covering blacks, west Indians, Chinese, Muslims, Arabs and recently Iranians. US press plays a major role in helping containment of freedom and spreading racism. There is no such thing as free press in the US that is simply another falacy. They are owned by special interest and reports are well calculated to cover it. If an outlet dares to go beyond the limits, you can be sure that reporter will lose the job or the news outlet will be drained from advertising money to survive. Australia and Canada are no innocent either, their treatment of their native peoples through out years to present time sheds much ugly history.

To sum up, the West use of the terms such as human rights, freedom and democracy is simply a propaganda beamed to the rest of the world using powerful western press hiding the reality.
But, these terms are useful tools to invade, plunder, kill and destroy nations all over the globe. The West has brought very little democracy and human rights to the countries invaded for the very reasons. You can look only at, Iraq, Libya, afghanestan are just a few to name. If the west was ever believed in democracy, freedom and human rights, then why there is none of these in Persian gulf Arabs, Jordan and Egypt (to a lesser degree)that have been under the western thumb for decades?


The Iranian regime’s media or a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards could not offer a propaganda better than this TV interview. The questions are irrelevant to what might reflect the reality of Iranian politics.


ask family's business related disputed uncommon political economy interests explained since followed up own detailed of LAX 2015 regarding unpaid business job's financials besides TURCA political organization also of brother's ibrahim nur maras TURCA westminster, california of family's business partners suspicious political photo posed fb activities with my mother ayse maras and haluk maras as their islamic faih activities as were my uncommon interests as made my researched learnings by compared news are complicated political ecostrategic topics if aren't academic methods to ask besides other ways to learn if by ANCA to dispute their isis syrian opposition flags seen publicly posed photos on fb supportive terrorist TURCA political business partners never were my interests as opposed family's business linked of their political TURCA activities besides their financial suspicious overseas transactions of the related claimed bank statements followed up own financial legal rights disputed already knformed notified as aren't my responsibilities if aren't paid unpaid job's financial totals to me than family's business is held accountable of their choices of my uncommon faith as i distanved tried securing my privacies of financials contacted banks before requires the process to provide my cash daily rights needed to be paid total vash amount due to me own named to be received by me asap as don't need to accept any if aren't my faith, business and uncommon political views !


Iran had done 3 big mistakes during its decisions in 2015 negotiations: those mistakes by Iran are:
) Iran's believing & trusting the dollar based control from the US,
) Iran's ignoring the-already divided US political machinery of aggressions against Iran & ignoring the American foreign policies & the makers, and
) Iran has foolishly optimistically been dealing with & relying on China while China itself has been aggressively inching towards Israel (against Iran) benefits & against America.
