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Don Jr. and Charlie Kirk went to Greenland, and Greenland had thoughts. Yasmin Khan breaks it down on Rebel HQ.

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Unfortunately, it is not his home country.


If it sounds like a clown, acts like a clown, looks like a clown, it’s a Trump.


This is like sending Beavis and Butthead to Greenland


From Denmark here. According to a friend in Greenland, Donnie was out of the country in about 2 hours.


There's no low that's too low for the Trump family.


Trump Jr claiming Greenland needs to be "LIBERATED" from Demark reminds me of Putin claiming to "PROTECT" Ukraine from a neo-nazi regime that did not exist. How many countries NEED "LIBERATION"


Why would Greenland give up free healthcare? By now I am sure they've read the horrific stories told in response to Luigi.


A little comment from a Dane. Greenland, the worlds biggest island, is definately not for sale and never will be. We have a population of about 57.000 people living in Greenland. About 17.000 people born in Greenland live in Denmark. Greenland and Denmark is one nation and have been for over 200 years. We are a symbiosis and even though Greenland have a right to govern certain areas locally, the big questions are decided in the Danish government. The Kingdom of Denmark.

The gathered people at Trump Jr.’s “propaganda media show” were indeed alcoholics, and the likes, gathered randomly for the purpose, given Maga hats and a meal. The regular people of Greenland are happy with the Danish arrangement. Denmark has contributed massively to develop Greenland and will continue to do so. And we have also been cleaning up after US nuclear mess at the Thule Air base for decades. We have allways welcomed Americans though and even have an agreement with the USA so that bases and military can be and already are present in Greenland.

To Trump I can only say this: “Hi Donald, we want to buy the USA. We don’t feel safe leaving it in your hands. So we need it for security and world peace. “


Funny how no one is questioning the " peace " candidate now talking about colonization including using the military.


Long read, but worth it! Former Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chretien is 91 today and he gave himself a birthday present. He told Donald J. Trump to piss off in the The Globe and Mail. Here's his column:
* * *
Today is my 91st birthday.
It’s an opportunity to celebrate with family and friends. To look back on the life I’ve had the privilege to lead. And to reflect on how much this country we all love so much has grown and changed over the course of the nine decades I’ve been on this Earth.
This year, I’ve also decided to give myself a birthday present. I’m going to do something in this article that I don’t do very often anymore, and sound off on a big issue affecting the state of the nation and profoundly bothering me and so many other Canadians: The totally unacceptable insults and unprecedented threats to our very sovereignty from U.S. president-elect Donald Trump.
I have two very clear and simple messages.
To Donald Trump, from one old guy to another: Give your head a shake! What could make you think that Canadians would ever give up the best country in the world – and make no mistake, that is what we are – to join the United States?
I can tell you Canadians prize our independence. We love our country. We have built something here that is the envy of the world – when it comes to compassion, understanding, tolerance and finding a way for people of different backgrounds and faiths to live together in harmony.
We’ve also built a strong social safety net – especially with public health care – that we are very proud of. It’s not perfect, but it’s based on the principle that the most vulnerable among us should be protected.
This may not be the “American Way” or “the Trump Way.” But it is the reality I have witnessed and lived my whole long life.
If you think that threatening and insulting us is going to win us over, you really don’t know a thing about us. You don’t know that when it came to fighting in two world wars for freedom, we signed up – both times – years before your country did. We fought and we sacrificed well beyond our numbers.
We also had the guts to say no to your country when it tried to drag us into a completely unjustified and destabilizing war in Iraq.
We built a nation across the most rugged, challenging geography imaginable. And we did it against the odds.
We may look easy-going. Mild-mannered. But make no mistake, we have spine and toughness.
And that leads me to my second message, to all our leaders, federal and provincial, as well as those who are aspiring to lead our country: Start showing that spine and toughness. That’s what Canadians want to see – what they need to see. It’s called leadership. You need to lead. Canadians are ready to follow.
I know the spirit is there. Ever since Mr. Trump’s attacks, every political party is speaking out in favour of Canada. In fact, it is to my great satisfaction that even the Bloc Québécois is defending Canada.
But you don’t win a hockey game by only playing defence. We all know that even when we satisfy one demand, Mr. Trump will come back with another, bigger demand. That’s not diplomacy; it’s blackmail.
We need another approach – one that will break this cycle.
Mr. Trump has accomplished one thing: He has unified Canadians more than we have been ever before! All leaders across our country have united in resolve to defend Canadian interests.
When I came into office as prime minister, Canada faced a national unity crisis. The threat of Quebec separation was very real. We took action to deal with this existential threat in a manner that made Canadians, including Quebeckers, stronger, more united and even prouder of Canadian values.
Now there is another existential threat. And we once again need to reduce our vulnerability. That is the challenge for this generation of political leaders.
And you won’t accomplish it by using the same old approaches. Just like we did 30 years ago, we need a Plan B for 2025.
Yes, telling the Americans we are their best friends and closest trading partner is good. So is lobbying hard in Washington and the state capitals, pointing out that tariffs will hurt the American economy too. So are retaliatory tariffs – when you are attacked, you have to defend yourself.
But we also have to play offence. Let’s tell Mr. Trump that we too have border issues with the United States. Canada has tough gun control legislation, but illegal guns are pouring in from the U.S. We need to tell him that we expect the United States to act to reduce the number of guns crossing into Canada.
We also want to protect the Arctic. But the United States refuses to recognize the Northwest Passage, insisting that it is an international waterway, even though it flows through the Canadian Arctic as Canadian waters. We need the United States to recognize the Northwest Passage as being Canadian waters.
We also need to reduce Canada’s vulnerability in the first place. We need to be stronger. There are more trade barriers between provinces than between Canada and the United States. Let’s launch a national project to get rid of those barriers! And let’s strengthen the ties that bind this vast nation together through projects such as real national energy grid.
We also have to understand that Mr. Trump isn’t just threatening us; he’s also targeting a growing list of other countries, as well as the European Union itself, and he is just getting started. Canada should quickly convene a meeting of the leaders of Denmark, Panama, Mexico, as well as with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, to formulate a plan for fighting back these threats.
Every time that Mr. Trump opens his mouth, he creates new allies for all of us. So let’s get organized! To fight back against a big, powerful bully, you need strength in numbers.
The whole point is not to wait in dread for Donald Trump’s next blow. It’s to build a country and an international community that can withstand those blows.
Canadians know me. They know I am an optimist. That I am practical. And that I always speak my mind. I made my share of mistakes over a long career, but I never for a moment doubted the decency of my fellow Canadians – or of my political opponents.
The current and future generations of political leaders should remember they are not each other’s enemies – they are opponents. Nobody ever loved the cut-and-thrust of politics more than me, but I always understood that each of us was trying to make a positive contribution to make our community or country a better place.
That spirit is more important now than ever, as we address this new challenge. Our leaders should keep that in mind.
I am 91 today and blessed with good health. I am ready at the ramparts to help defend the independence of our country as I have done all my life.
Vive le Canada!


As a dane I am chocked. Our best allie behaves with lies, threats and disrespect. With friends like that you don’t need enemies.


One woman in Greenland reportedly said” I don’t even know who Stump is”. 🥴🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I’m a former Marine.
How can I enlist in the Greenland military to fight against their coming imperialist invasion?


His daddy set him up! Both are idiots!


I’m a US citizen and I don’t want to be a part of this. For what it’s worth…I apologize ❤


The man holds up political office and is only claim to fame is that he is a rich kid who is quick to say “do you know who my dad is? “ leave the work of ambassadors and statesmen to ambassadors and statesmen. this whole debacle is embarrassing and makes us look like a bunch of idiots to the rest of the world.


You see ships sailing around and they're not the right ships? Why do people pretend Trump is a normal person? More like Abby Normal.


I highly doubt that ANYBODY in the world would want to be a part of America right now with all the stupidity going on here. Especially now that the criminal who's to blame for all the stupidity is coming back.


Yes, the Greenlanders in the MAGA hats were a bunch of drifters Don Jr. picked up outside a supermarket, and one from under a bridge. He offered them a free meal in a restaurant if they would wear MAGA hats and say whatever he wanted them to. They agreed, they wanted the free meal.
Some of them had no idea what was going on. Later, when asked who gave them the meal, one of them answered: "Some man called Slump." 😂


I stand with Greenland against this newfound imperialism
