Federal Board SLOs Based Paper Tips | How To Solve The Paper | How To Get Maximum Marks in Exams
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Islamabad: Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) Islamabad has taken the initiative to shift from out-dated rote learning based assessment system to evolving SLO (student learning outcome -- assessment refers to the use of information about student learning to better understand and help improve language teaching, materials, or curricula) based assessment system.
In this regard, Federal Board has developed a training manual in consultation with various education experts. In order to impart the ideas reflected in the manual, FBISE has arranged a comprehensive training programme for Question Item Developers and Question Paper Setters of various subjects.
First batch of the training has been effectively conducted and more batches shall be conducted in the meanwhile. Today, FBISE arranged a conference of Controllers of Examinations of different BISEs/BTEs of Pakistan and briefed them regarding preparation of SLOs based Question paper for the conduct of upcoming exam’s and to provide and develop a platform for SLO Based Question Items Bank and work on it in mutual collaboration.
All the participants of the conference appreciated the initiatives and believed that these will prove a milestone in improvement of assessment system in the country.
Islamabad: Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) Islamabad has taken the initiative to shift from out-dated rote learning based assessment system to evolving SLO (student learning outcome -- assessment refers to the use of information about student learning to better understand and help improve language teaching, materials, or curricula) based assessment system.
In this regard, Federal Board has developed a training manual in consultation with various education experts. In order to impart the ideas reflected in the manual, FBISE has arranged a comprehensive training programme for Question Item Developers and Question Paper Setters of various subjects.
First batch of the training has been effectively conducted and more batches shall be conducted in the meanwhile. Today, FBISE arranged a conference of Controllers of Examinations of different BISEs/BTEs of Pakistan and briefed them regarding preparation of SLOs based Question paper for the conduct of upcoming exam’s and to provide and develop a platform for SLO Based Question Items Bank and work on it in mutual collaboration.
All the participants of the conference appreciated the initiatives and believed that these will prove a milestone in improvement of assessment system in the country.